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Covid-19:423 cases in France, Iran and Italy bogged down in fear, update on the epidemic

The Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic is receding in China and is beginning to slow in South Korea, the main focus of secondary infection. However, the number of cases is increasing in France worryingly and the situation in Iran and Italy is getting worse day by day. Also, the list of newly affected countries is inexorably growing.

A leap in cases in France

As reported by South West , President Emmanuel Macron spoke of an "inexorable" epidemic. On the evening of March 5, 2020, our country had 423 confirmed cases , 138 more than the day before and 7 deaths (+3) . While the spread of Covid-19 now affects all regions of France, the Head of State indicated that it was necessary to try to stop the arrival of the virus before slowing the spread.

Not long ago, we talked about what a transition to stage 3 of the epidemic would entail. If this hasn't happened yet, this transition should happen in a few days to a week according to Prof. Jean-François Delfraissy. This infectious disease specialist participated in a meeting whose main subject was precisely this transition from stage 2 to stage 3.

Iran and Italy are afraid

According to RTL Info , Italy now has 3,858 confirmed cases of coronavirus for 148 deaths . In just 24 hours, the country recorded 41 new deaths. However, you should know that 414 people were cured. The fact is that the whole country is immersed in anxiety as the containment measures are increasingly burdensome and the hospitals under pressure.

The other country gradually giving in to fear is Iran, totalling 3,513 for 107 deaths . Not long ago, we mentioned a possible mutation of the coronavirus in this country. As the Courrier International explains , the Iranian government will close schools and universities for a month. In addition, March 19 begins the Persian New Year, an opportunity to find the family sometimes living at the other end of the country. However, the government has warned the population that this year, you should not travel.

Covid-19:423 cases in France, Iran and Italy bogged down in fear, update on the epidemic

Elsewhere in the world

According to the daily La Croix , South Korea has "declared war" on the Covid-19 coronavirus. Since March 5, 2020, the country has more than 6,000 cases for "only" about 40 deaths. However, South Korea is on high alert and the government is calling for national mobilization. The president notably promised an intensification of tests and a supply of protective masks. In addition, the army was mobilized to disinfect areas affected by the coronavirus, including the city of Daegu where the "Sincheonji Church of Jesus" sect, the center of the South Korean infection, is located.

The epidemic is now spreading everywhere . In Europe, in addition to Italy and France, some countries are also very affected such as Germany (349 cases), Spain (200 including 1 death) but also the United Kingdom (115) having just recorded its first death. Elsewhere, the United States is concerned with 145 cases for 10 deaths . Many new countries now have cases of Covid-19:Portugal, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Slovenia, Chile, Dominican Republic, Armenia, Jordan, Morocco, South Africa or Tunisia again.


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