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Coronavirus:259 dead and 11,943 infected, update on the epidemic

The latest assessment of the coronavirus epidemic reports nearly 12,000 cases worldwide for more than 250 deaths in China. At the same time, the first 200 French people from Wuhan returned to the country and a 6th case appeared on the territory. A point also on the shortage of protective masks in China, giving rise to unbelievable situations.

A growing balance sheet

On this February 1, 2020, the Hong Kong daily South Morning China Post is not reporting good news. Indeed, the province of Hubei (Wuhan) has again broken a record for one day with 45 new deaths and 1,347 new cases confirmed. Remember that the 2019-nCoV coronavirus now affects all 31 Chinese provinces.

Elsewhere in the world, new countries have appeared on the list of those with confirmed Chinese coronavirus cases. Let us mention Russia (2 cases), the United Kingdom (2) or Spain (1). Let's also mention an increase in confirmed cases in countries such as Japan and Singapore with 16 cases each. All countries combined, the total number of cases is 11,943 for 259 deaths.

Coronavirus:259 dead and 11,943 infected, update on the epidemic

First French people repatriated and 6th confirmed case

As Le Monde explains, the first French people from Wuhan arrived on the night of January 30 to 31 in Marseille. These 200 citizens have been placed in isolation and will remain there for 14 days, as planned by the authorities. On the plane, two people showed symptoms of the coronavirus. However, the tests were ultimately negative.

French authorities have confirmed a 6th case of Chinese coronavirus in our country. This is also the first case of contamination on French soil. The individual is a liberal doctor infected by a person who has since returned to China, and where the latter declared the disease. The doctor is currently placed in isolation in a Parisian hospital.

The shortage of protective masks

In the most affected countries, the recommendations in terms of the precautions to be taken are to avoid crowds as much as possible, wear a mask and regularly wash or sanitize your hands. However, the shortage of masks in China is glaring and has given rise to unbelievable situations. Faced with the impossibility of wearing masks, some people make homemade protection themselves from everyday objects (see video at the end of the article).

Not long ago, we were talking about a completely scandalous situation in Hong Kong. In the former British colony, unscrupulous merchants are taking advantage of the shortage to sell poor quality masks under a false brand or even "recycled masks" (used then relisted). Recently, Hong Kong Customs checked no less than 180 points of sale.


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