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Coronavirus:death of the first whistleblower, 61 cases on a liner, update on the epidemic

The latest assessment of the 2019n-CoV coronavirus epidemic reports nearly 31,000 cases and 638 deaths. In addition, the first whistleblower Li Wenliang has been declared deceased. We should also mention the case of a newborn, now the youngest human being to have been infected.

More than 600 deaths

The coronavirus epidemic continues and every day the death toll rises. According to the South Morning China Post on February 7, 2020, we are at 31,401 confirmed cases for 638 deaths . We should also mention the number of patients cured, namely 1,341. The majority of cases and deaths are naturally found in Hubei province and its capital Wuhan, home of the epidemic. This province alone totals more than 31,161 cases for 636 deaths.

61 cases on a liner

Elsewhere in the world, how not to mention Japan now recording 86 cases of coronavirus 2019n-CoV, including 61 on the liner Diamond Princess. The 3,700 passengers and crew remain under quarantine as authorities seek to test more passengers.

The top three infected countries outside China are completed by Singapore and Thailand with 30 and 25 cases respectively. The situation has not changed regarding the number of deaths in other countries, with two deaths (Hong Kong and the Philippines).

Coronavirus:death of the first whistleblower, 61 cases on a liner, update on the epidemic

The first deceased whistleblower

As Liberation explains, Dr. Li Wenliang succumbed to the coronavirus. You should know that this man was the first to have alerted to the disease. At the start of the epidemic, the deceased had posted an article on Weibo, explaining that he had received pressure from the police . His fault" ? Having warned certain colleagues of patients suffering from a lung infection similar to that caused by the SARS coronavirus.

This ophthalmologist from Wuhan Central Hospital was therefore forced by local authorities to keep a low profile. Otherwise, he would face legal action for spreading false rumours. While part of the Chinese population is angry because of the management of the epidemic, the death of Li Wenliang has caused a stir , especially on social networks where he is considered a hero.

An infected newborn

Newborn in Wuhan is now youngest human ever diagnosed according to BBC positive for coronavirus. This announcement made by the doctors came barely 30 hours after the birth of the child! The big question doctors are trying to answer is:how did the baby get infected? Several theories have been formulated. It could be that the infection was acquired in the womb. However, it is quite possible that it is a post-natal contamination , through close contact with the mother.

Remember that only a handful of children have been infected since the start of the 2019n-CoV coronavirus epidemic. This was also the case during the SARS (2003) and MERS (2012) epidemics. Remember that in the context of the current epidemic, the average age of patients is between 49 and 56 years old.


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