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healthy weight loss; there are no tricks, but these tips will get you a long way!

How to Lose Weight Healthy † It's actually very 'simple'. You must be able to commit yourself and have enough willpower to persevere and persevere † It is very easy to gain a few pounds, this usually goes unnoticed. But losing weight, on the other hand, has many challenges. And healthy weight loss all the way. The biggest challenge is to maintain a diet so that you will actually reach your target weight again. Another challenge is making sure you stay healthy.

Eating fewer calories means that you will get fewer nutrients and then the question is whether losing weight is still healthy. In this article you can read how you can lose weight and improve your health at the same time.

Table of contents

Do you want to lose weight healthy? Then take the tips below into account!

1. Do not follow crash diets

A crash diet is a diet that allows you to lose weight quickly. It is a diet form that many people choose because they want to reach their target weight in a short time, for a special occasion for example. A crash diet is characterized by a large calorie deficit † With many crash diets you only eat 500 kcal to 1000 kcal per day. That is a lot less than the 2,000 kcal that your body actually needs. Because you eat so little, you also get a lot less vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and trace elements.

A lack of nutrients can cause deficiency diseases and weaken the immune system. A weaker immune system makes you more susceptible to infectious diseases. The hormone balance can also be disrupted by a shortage of nutrients. This can cause the metabolism to deteriorate and the menstrual cycle be disturbed. In other words:a crash diet has nothing to do with healthy weight loss.

2. Eat a lot of vegetables if you want to lose weight in a healthy way

Whatever type of diet you choose, there is a good chance that vegetables will be a common thread through the diet. And that's not for nothing. Vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and trace elements, while they are low in calories and carbohydrates. Green leafy vegetables in particular are low in calories and carbohydrates

Certain vegetables do contain a lot of starch, these are the vegetables that grow underground, such as potatoes, red beets, parsnips and carrots. You can not eat too much of this if you want to lose weight healthily, while you can eat green leafy vegetables almost unlimited. For example, 100 grams of spinach contains only 15 kcal. Beans and legumes are also rich in starch and therefore contain more calories.

Eating a lot of vegetables during a diet ensures that you stay healthy. They provide the body with the nutrients it needs. If you are not a fan of vegetables, vegetable juices can offer a solution. These are juices made from vegetables and low in calories. They are made from different types of vegetables so that your body gets a good mix of different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and trace elements.

A vegetable juice is not always tasty. It is therefore good to flavor them by combining the right types of vegetables, using herbs or fruit juices. Here you will find some good vegetable juice recipes .

3. Move more

Losing weight is a matter of a negative energy balance; eat less than your body burns. You can (partly) create this negative energy balance by exercising more. This way you can continue to eat enough (healthy) foods to keep your body healthy and still lose weight.

Exercise also has the advantage that it is good for your health. Exercising also improves insulin sensitivity. With a higher insulin sensitivity, your body needs to make less insulin to absorb the glucose from the blood. This is very beneficial if you want to lose weight, because high insulin levels cause your body to retain fat.

In addition, by exercising you train your muscles. And muscles use energy to 'grow'. So if you exercise in the right way, you will not only lose weight healthily because you consume more on that day than you take in. You can also benefit from this in the days after. Regular exercise (at least 3 times a week) therefore builds up muscle mass and consumes more energy.

4. Eat unprocessed food

We can roughly divide foods into 2 categories; processed and unprocessed food † Processed food is what they make from it in a factory and unprocessed food is how it comes from nature. Many processed foods are unhealthy and make you fat † They often contain added sugars and refined carbs † These cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which leads to an increased production of insulin and the retention of fat.

Unprocessed foods have much less effect on blood sugar so that it remains more stable and less insulin has to be produced. If you follow a diet consisting of unprocessed foods, you are much less likely to develop chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes.

Unprocessed foods are vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, kernels, whole grains, legumes, meat, fish, eggs and cheese † What unprocessed foods have in common is that they are high in nutrients.

Processed foods, on the other hand, are low in nutrients (and often high in calories). The lack of nutrients keeps you hungry , the body asks, as it were, about the nutrients that it is lacking. Healthy weight loss is done by feeding, not by filling.

5. Healthy weight loss? Make sure you get enough rest !

Stress can sabotage a weight loss attempt. This is due to the stress-response hormone cortisolUnder the influence of cortisol, your body will hold on † It then becomes virtually impossible to burn fat. Under the influence of cortisol, you can also get more cravings for sweet or savory foods. That of course gets in the way of healthy weight loss. The signal from your stomach that it is full is also delayed to the brain. This will make you eat more than you need.

Eliminating stress is therefore important if you want to lose weight. If you are in a stressful period, it is even better to tackle this first before you try to lose weight in a healthy way. How you can relieve stress depends a bit on the circumstances. But it applies to everyone that it is always good to contrast stress with relaxation † For some this may be a walk in the woods, for others yoga or meditation † In any case, make room in your agenda to relax and rest as well.

A short night's sleep is also a form of stress for the body. Once in a while won't do much harm, but if it's a habit to go to bed late, cortisol levels can get so high that your body starts retaining fat. If you want to lose weight, it is good to ensure a night's sleep of at least 7 hours and a maximum of 9 hours.

Getting started with those kilos!

Do you want to lose weight healthily? In any case, take the above tips to heart and use them to your advantage to lose some pounds and get tighter in your own skin. Yes, it asks a bit of you, but you will see that you will continue to feel good and that the pounds will stay off in the longer term.

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