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Suffering from puncture anxiety? These 3 tips will help you!

Suffering from puncture anxiety? These 3 tips will help you!

Are you getting a vaccination soon or do you have to have a blood test and are you already nervous about the idea? Maybe you have a fear of needles.

Puncture fear is very bad, especially if you really have to get an injection. Fortunately, there are a number of steps that can help you get through your vaccination/blood tests.

1. Face the fear

This is the scariest part of the step-by-step plan, but it's a very essential one:expose yourself to your fear. An unhealthy fear—in this case, a needlestick fear—is maintained through avoidance. In other words, if you don't do what you fear, you will remain afraid of it. Therefore, try to get closer to the goal you are working towards in small steps:getting a shot. That could be, for example:
– Drawing a needle
– Look at your drawing
– Look up a picture of a needle online and talk to someone about needles
– Looking at a needle in real life
– Safely touch a real needle
– Discuss the vaccination process with someone

Read also :'6 mild exercises to do after a vaccination'

2. Make an appointment

Now it's time to make an appointment for your vaccination (or maybe you've already got an appointment confirmed). If you look up to the appointment and then feel relieved when it's over, don't worry; that's very normal. It's not realistic to want to enjoy going to a hospital. What matters is that you dare to go there at all. So don't worry too much if you still find it exciting, because (almost) everyone suffers from that when it comes to medical treatments.

3. Use relaxation exercises

Once you've made your appointment, there are a number of ways to let your body relax to help you through your inoculation. These exercises can help you especially if you suffer from fainting when pricking.
– Breathing exercise:By consciously breathing from your belly, you can calm yourself. By slowing down your breathing, your heart rate drops and your brain gets a signal that you're okay. Inhale to expand your abdomen and exhale to retract it. You can also try these breathing exercises.
– Muscle tension exercises:Start at your feet and tense your muscles there, then relax them again. Work your way up through your body, so first tense and then relax. This way you can help yourself relax and you are distracted from the needle.

You can also always ask if you can be pricked while lying down if you suffer from needlestick anxiety.

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