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Are you unable to wake up rested? With these tips you can!

Everyone wants to sleep well and wake up rested. Yet a considerable part of the population does not manage to get fresh, fruity and rested the next morning after sleeping a and start a new day. A missed opportunity, because with these tips you will really wake up more rested!

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With these tips you too will wake up rested

For years I had a hard time waking up rested. Until a few months ago the switch was switched on and I handled my night's rest a bit differently. Because it is not only important to go to bed on time to wake up rested. There are still a number of things that are actually necessary to be able to wake up rested the next morning. I'll go through them with you. You might also benefit from my tips to wake up rested and relaxed.

Tip 1:Go to bed on time

Even though I indicated that only going on time is not enough, it is of course part of the list of tips to wake up rested, hence at number 1.

Tip 2:Stop with the alcohol, especially during the week

This was also a life changer for me. Not that I drank a lot of alcohol during the week. Certainly not in recent years. In the tropics (when the children were both small) I drank a bit more during the week. Certainly 2 glasses of wine, but also very regularly 3, for example if I also had to work in the evening.

I have completely stopped doing this. Not with all alcohol, but with alcohol during the week. I actually stopped doing this because I wanted to lose weight. But it also appears to work very well for my night's sleep. I now wake up really rested while before I just really couldn't get out of bed.

Tip 3:Don't forget your mattress and pillow!

Also a very important item is of course a good mattress and an excellent pillow. Is your mattress not quite in order, and is it already a few years old? Then you can buy a topper to sleep well again. This can slightly boost the life of your mattress. Unfortunately, that won't work with your pillow. Not only your first children's pillow is important, but a good pillow is also extremely important for the rest of your life. A good mattress and a good pillow (suitable for you) largely ensure that you can wake up pain-free and well-rested.

Tip 4:exercise (and/or walk) enough to wake up rested

It may sound a bit strange, but exercising also ensures that you can sleep much better and deeper. Because you physically exert your body during the day, the need for physical rest will also be greater. This will help you sleep better and wake up feeling fitter. Funny actually, that by exercising you can feel so much better. Even if the moment of exercise itself may not be your favorite 😉 . Is real physical exercise not an option for you? Then go for a walk in the evening. With this you also achieve that you wake up more rested!

Tip:exercising late in the evening is less smart, so it is better not to exercise so late that you have to go to bed immediately. It's smart to calm down before going to bed.

Tip 5:Drink enough water during the day

Maybe you think that - by drinking a lot of water - you have to get out more often at night to go to the toilet. That may be true at first, but as your body gets used to all that water you drink, you won't have to get out more often at night. Nowadays I never have to get out of bed at night to go to the toilet. When I started drinking substantially more water and tea during the day, that was the case. But now my body is used to it and it seems that all the water I drink during the day is more 'absorbed' by my body.

Tip 6:Provide clean bedding

You may think you are sleeping well even if you are under the same bedding for more than a week, but that is not true. As soon as you put fresh and clean bedding on your bed, you are guaranteed to sleep better. Of course you don't have to, but read this blog about how often you should change your bed. Then you will see that it is important for several reasons to change your bed regularly. Waking up rested is certainly one of them.

Tip 7:Fresh air in your bedroom promotes waking up rested

It should not be too hot in your bedroom. Waking up rested is better when your bedroom is fresh. So make sure you have a nice thick duvet in the winter that you can crawl under, while you do open the window. By letting in fresh air at night, you will sleep better.

Tip 8:Don't try to keep daylight out of your bedroom completely

If it is too dark in your bedroom, it is more difficult to wake up rested. It works best if you also "get something" from the start of the day. Of course in the winter it is still dark when you get out of bed in the morning, but towards the summer it is nice if some daylight fills your room when it is morning. This allows you to slowly wake up in a natural way and therefore also more rested. Can't you do it this way?

Consider such a wake up light from Phillips, for example. They will help you on your way!

Tip 9:don't snooze!

Do you wake up rested when your alarm goes off for the first time? Then get out of the house and don't put your alarm on snooze. Snoozing sounds delicious and to be honest… I can enjoy it too. However, it does not ensure that you wake up rested. I have now experienced that and we no longer snooze. I actually just get tired of it. I prefer to jump out of bed the first time I wake up, take a shower and then I notice that I am rested.

Tip 10:no more screens right before going to sleep

I have to admit, I don't quite like this one. We usually watch TV in the evening before going to bed. Or do I check social media on my mobile before closing my eyes. So now I sleep really well. But if that's not the case with you, try to leave those screens off before going to sleep. You can just wake up rested!

Only if the above tips don't help you on your way with a good night's sleep, I would consider seeing if you can use something to wake up rested. But always consult your doctor first!