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With these 5 tips you will start spring energetic!

With these 5 tips you will start spring energetic!

Do you want to recharge your batteries and go into spring cheerful and healthy? According to health coach and cookbook author Nora French, these five tips will help you with that!

The first beautiful days of spring make everything around us come to life again. It is longer light, the trees are blooming, the terraces are open and the running shoes are out of the closet. However, the transition to spring is not an easy one for everyone. Winter demands a lot from you physically and mentally. Help yourself!

Eat more vegetables

After the winter, your body needs extra vitamins and minerals. Give your diet a check up and replenish your reserves by putting lots of vegetables on the menu. They contain essential nutrients and good fiber. And because you eat more vegetables, you automatically get less unhealthy food. Tip:try to eat a portion of vegetables with every meal. That already starts with your breakfast, for example make scrambled eggs with spring onions and cherry tomatoes   and a green smoothie. You also get an extra vegetable boost with vegetable confetti and carrot soup. Have fun with it! Raw, steamed, roasted, mashed, or boiled; make vegetables the centerpiece of any meal.

Eat good fats

Did you know that your body only absorbs certain vitamins in combination with good fats? Therefore do not be afraid of fat! Every cell in our body needs fats to function properly. Good natural fats are also essential for healthy skin and hormone balance. So make sure you get enough of it to feel fit and energetic. Tip:eat a handful of unprocessed nuts a day, use extra virgin olive oil on vegetables and salads and fry in coconut oil and butter. Avocados and fatty fish, such as herring and salmon, are also rich in good fats. These two go well together in this delicious salad!

Bring healthy snacks with you

You probably know it; you are on the road and you are hungry, but there is nowhere to get a healthy snack. An unhealthy choice is then made. You can prevent this by going well prepared on the road. And it's not complicated:just take some practical snacks with you in your handbag. Think, for example, of nuts, boiled eggs, apples, dates and dark chocolate (minus 70%). These snacks to go require little to no preparation and are easy to eat on the spot. In short, don't leave the house without your favorite handbag snacks. Check out our 10 ideas for healthy snacks.

Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water

Drinking water is essential to feel healthy and fit! By drinking enough water every day, you hydrate your body and therefore it is an indispensable fuel. If you drink water – preferably 1.5 to 2 liters a day – your body can better remove waste products and absorb important nutrients. If you are well hydrated, your head will feel much clearer and your skin will glow more. So always go out with a bottle of water and drink a glass of water every hour at home and at work. Tip:add some lemon, mint, cucumber or raspberries to the water for taste.

 Move for 30 minutes

Do you feel comfortable in your own skin this spring? Promise yourself to exercise for at least half an hour every day. Go outside, it does wonders for your body and mind! There are many benefits to daily exercise:you improve your fitness and stamina, you sleep better, you have less chance of being overweight, it improves your concentration and you invest in good health. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you move. Go for a walk, dance, swim, bike, skate, play tennis or hit the gym. Most importantly, do something that makes you happy. There is a good chance that you will keep it up!

Also read:Tips to exercise for 30 minutes today

Healthy Lifestyle Day by Santé

On May 18 you can attend a smoothie masterclass by Norah French during the HLD by Santé event. View the full day program now. Tickets are only €7.50!

With these 5 tips you will start spring energetic!