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We know that exercise is healthy, but can you also get fit without exercising?

Last weekend I was impressed by an article in the Volkskrant:'Take the stairs, go dance, frolic with the children, move!'The point is that you do not necessarily have to exercise intensively for better health, but that any everyday movement is already good. And exercise is healthy, we know that by now, so read on if you are not an athlete by nature!

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More sports; in the top of good intentions

Especially now that the new year has just started, many have started with the intention to start exercising more. You have spontaneously taken out a subscription to a gym, you have signed up for a running group or you have purchased a racing bike. But, are you really motivated? Or do you especially dread having to struggle so hard? Be honest? Why do you have 'exercise' as a good resolution for this year? Is that because you really want to do it more or is it because you have to do it yourself?

It is very likely that it is the latter, because otherwise you would have started it much earlier, wouldn't you? You don't need a new year for that. In short, your plan is most likely doomed to fail. Well, that is of course not nice to read, but there is also good news. Exercise is healthy, but there is also a different, easier way! And  maybe just as cozy too.

Exercise is healthy, but you don't necessarily have to exercise intensively

We recently published an article on MamsatWork about running and the reasons why it is not healthy for you. A number of enthusiasts reacted quite strongly to this. Logical too, because if you enjoy doing something then it is not great to hear that that activity also has disadvantages.

Read also: 3 reasons why running is not good

In any case, scientific research shows that our body does not just react to activity. Our body also reacts very strongly to inactivity. That is, every time you sit on your ass (like I'm doing here now), it's bad for your health. Sosss.

Muscle cells and glucose

In short, this is because of the following. Muscle cells make energy when they receive glucose. This enters our blood when we have eaten. When you stand or move, you put stress on your muscles and they ask for glucose and that gives you energy. When you sit, you do not strain your muscles and the muscles do not ask for glucose. So you do not receive any energy. If you sit a lot and for a long time, the receptors on the muscles become even less sensitive to glucose. Then they also take it less easily if you do stand or move.

Taiwanese study proves life extension

In a Taiwanese study, as many as 400,000 compatriots were followed in their activity for eight years. This showed that 15 minutes of extra exercise per day already yields enormous health gains † If you can afford to be in motion for 15 minutes longer than you do now, the risk of premature death drops by 14%. This quarter is called the 'golden quarter', as each additional quarter of an hour after that reduces the mortality risk by only 4%.

Dutch Standard for Healthy Exercise

The Dutch Standard for Healthy Exercise stands for half an hour of exercise at least 5 days a week. You can think of brisk walking, cleaning the house or playing badminton for example. This is the standard that applies to adults between the ages of 18 and 54. A standard has also been described for fitness. If you really want to get fit, you should move 20 minutes or more more intensively at least 3 times a week. You can think of, for example, aerobics, skating or tennis, but also other sports of course.

So, move more often or at least stand because exercise is healthy. It is best to get active every half hour you've been sitting (I'm going to do that now too!).

What can you do within the daily movement?

It is mainly the heavier household chores that pay off the most, of course, a job such as washing dishes does significantly less than washing the windows!

  • Take the bike instead of the car
  • Go clean windows
  • Clean up your house
  • Go dance with your child(ren)
  • Mow the grass
  • Go vacuuming
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Play tag with your kids
  • Go weeding
  • Go on the trampoline with your children

Would you like to know more about exercise and what which exercise does for your health? Here you will find a table in which you can read which forms of movement have the most impact!

No time to move ?

You may now think that this is impossible in your busy life, but for everyone an extra fifteen minutes of exercise (or more!) is achievable. For example, park your car a little further from work or go for a walk during the break. Get up more often during your work to take a walk. For example, make your colleagues happy with a cup of tea or coffee. It is a matter of setting priorities.

Take a walk in the evening instead of sitting in front of the TV. If necessary, buy a trampoline that you will jump on a few times every half hour that you are home. Make sure you do this with an empty bladder 😉 .

Read also: urine loss and the taboo surrounding it

The bottom line is that it doesn't matter what you do. As long as you sit on your lazy ass less and move more! Because exercise is healthy and if you want to stay healthy, you can do that (partly) by increasing your daily exercise. You don't have to do all your daily exercise in succession, it can be spread over the day. However, it is important that your activity lasts at least 10 minutes, only then can you count it!

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