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23 Weight Loss Tricks You Probably Haven't Tried Yet

23 Weight Loss Tricks You Probably Haven t Tried Yet

Already followed every possible diet and it didn't help you as much as you hoped? These surprising and sometimes bizarre weight loss tricks might help you.

1. Make your plan concrete

When are you really going to start losing weight and what do you actually want to achieve? Setting concrete goals is the best motivation to actually achieve your target weight. If you decide today that you want to lose at least one kilo in a month, you can determine in a much more targeted way how exactly you will lose that kilo. Carefully plan what you are going to eat each week, do your shopping in advance and make

2. Don't run too fast

If you want to achieve too much in a short time, things go wrong. If you obsessively plunge into a crash diet, you're more likely to lose motivation quickly. In the beginning, such a strict diet often works well and the pounds fly off, but then you suddenly need mountains of sugar and fat due to a calorie deficit. So don't try too hard:don't follow a strict diet, but adjust your diet gradually.

3. Make stock

Broth that you make yourself (in 48 hours on the fire) from bones, vegetables, spices and herbs is super healthy. This broth is packed with vitamins, minerals and collagen. Collagen is a glue-forming protein that is an important part of the connective tissue in your body. The broth thus ensures a smoother skin with fewer wrinkles and stretch marks. And for a fuller feeling in your stomach so that you do not get a tasty appetite.

4. Go boxing

Knock off your anger, sadness, joy, frustration or whatever during a boxing lesson. Boxing is not only a great workout, it also helps suppress the tendency to "eat away" your emotions. According to research by Radboud University Nijmegen, an emotion eater mainly needs fat and sweets when experiencing emotions such as stress. So stay far away from unhealthy food and exercise during an emotional mood.

5. Don't feel guilty

Even if you have eaten something that is less healthy, try not to regret it. Being too strict with yourself makes permanent weight loss more difficult. Bio-engineer Sara De Pelsmaeker of Ghent University conducted research into guilt and eating chocolate. What seems? Many people feel guilty just looking at chocolate even before eating it. Allow yourself a small piece every now and then and enjoy it.

6. See the benefits

If you only focus on the negative sides of losing weight, you probably won't be able to lose pounds permanently. According to nutritionist Yneke Kootstra, looking at the benefits is a smarter way to maintain weight loss. So don't think:I can't drink wine and eat pizza, I get so tired of sports and I have to watch my food in restaurants. But:I will soon be able to buy new (sports) clothes, my condition will improve, I will have more energy and I will feel healthier.

7. Visualize

Picture yourself when you have reached your goal weight. What will you look like in six months? Are you in good shape for that running race? How does that flatter stomach look on you?

8. Eat silk fabric

Silk tofu contains more water and fewer calories than regular tofu. It has a neutral taste, so you can make all kinds of tasty (yet slim) things out of it. It is also packed with proteins, good for muscle recovery after exercise. For example, you can use silk tofu for scrambled tofu, sushi filling or a healthy chocolate mousse.

9. Go screens

Fencing is about dueling in a mock fight. The trick is to hit your opponent with an elongated stab weapon (harmless) without getting hit yourself. You do this with unexpected attacks and feints. As a result, this fast and tactical sport mainly revolves around intelligence, after which strength plays a role. That is why fencing is also called active chess. You burn about 450 calories per hour!

10. Stir an egg into your coffee

In Scandinavia they have been drinking their coffee this way for years! An egg in your coffee ensures that you no longer have to add milk, because it gives a creamy, full, rich taste. That's because of the proteins. Protein attracts macromolecules in coffee, eliminating bitterness. In addition, protein enhances the caffeine content, which gives you energy and reduces the need for energy from sugar-rich foods.

11. Sports everywhere

You don't just burn calories in the gym. For example, pushing a shopping cart burns 155 calories per hour and 300 calories with an hour of window cleaning.

Read also: These 4 everyday activities also fall under light exertion

12. Stop Google

Don't search the internet for how many calories you lose with a run, how many squats you need to do to burn a peanut butter sandwich or when it is best to exercise to become the healthiest. Look at yourself and your life. When do you like to exercise and how long can you keep it up? That's worth much more than sitting reluctantly on the exercise bike until you've burned off a desired number of calories.

13. Throw that scale away 

Weigh yourself once a week on the same day, at the same time at the gym. You always wear the same outfit, you can't smuggle under the watchful eye of your gym group and you don't become obsessed with daily weighing sessions.

14. Buy a new frying pan

Throw away your old pan and invest in one with a good non-stick coating. Such a layer ensures that food does not burn as quickly and you therefore need less fat such as butter or oil, which in turn saves some calories.

15. Take pictures 

Create an Instagram account or a private photo book if you don't want the rest of the world watching. Take a picture of your entire body every week so that you can see the result after a few weeks. Hard proof of how hard you've tried. Is it not going well? Then such a confrontation with your photo is a big stick to regain your discipline.

16. A binge is part of it 

Don't panic if you are less motivated for a day and finish three biscuits, a bag of chips or two handfuls of gummy bears in a row. Research shows that more than 60 percent of women who made a decision to die throw that decision overboard if they can't say no to a pastry. Don't give up, tomorrow is a new day to continue with your healthy lifestyle.

17. Break with supermodels 

Stop scrolling through top models' Instagram and Facebook accounts. Yes, they do have a good figure, but there are many more factors that go into that one beautiful photo, such as make-up, photo editing and favorable light.

18. Make your environment healthier

Place bananas, tomatoes and avocado on the fruit bowl, clean out your closet, keep the counters clean, don't leave dirty laundry lying around and make your bed. According to scientific research by the University of Minnesota, an orderly, healthy living environment ensures that you reach for healthy food faster and lose weight more easily.

19. Netflix less, Napflix more 

Sleeping well is important for weight loss, as it has been proven that you snack less after a good night's sleep. Do you have trouble falling asleep? Don't binge on Netflix, switch to Napflix! This website is full of sleep-inducing videos such as a crackling fire, a rushing sea and cuddling pandas.

20. Deadlift you slim

There is one exercise that beats the squat when it comes to getting a super figure. Get to know the deadlift! Deadlifts strengthen all your major muscle groups, such as your buttocks, lower back, legs and stomach. According to Jason Walsh, personal trainer of actress Emma Stone, it's the most effective exercise out there. You have to go to the gym for it, because you need a weighted bar (with weights) for it.

This is how you do it:  

• Stand in front of a bar (with or without weights on the side) and grab it slightly wider than shoulder width. Bend your knees slightly. Make sure you keep your back straight. This is your starting position.

• Keep your abs and back muscles engaged – tense and slowly rise up with the bar in your hands. The slower you do it, the more tension you can put on your muscles. With this movement you exhale. Do not lower the bar until you are completely upright. You do this while pushing your hips back and at the same time slightly bending your knees.

• This is one repetition, do this six to eight times.

21. Dark chocolate is allowed every day

A piece of chocolate with a high concentration of cocoa per day keeps your blood sugars in check and reduces the need for sweet or salty food. According to scientists, you even eat about 17 percent fewer calories during your next meal.

22. Do it together 

Find someone who also wants to lose some weight. It's not about who loses the most pounds or who can run the fastest, but you can cheer each other up when losing weight or exercising is not going so well. Scientific research shows that you lose up to twenty percent more weight if you lose weight with someone.

23. Eat your dessert for breakfast 

Why save a dessert until the end of the day when such a dessert is the perfect start to the day? For example, make a protein-rich raspberry cheesecake from cottage cheese and oatmeal and have a piece in the morning. It gives you healthy energy that you can burn all day long.

Also read: 5 ways your fridge can help you lose weight

Archive:Santé 3, 2017 Image:Getty Images