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These are the places in the supermarket where you will find the most bacteria

These are the places in the supermarket where you will find the most bacteria

In the supermarket you will find a number of (unexpected) breeding grounds for bacteria.

1. Fruits and vegetables
How many times did you touch four peppers before you put the perfect one in your basket? Or squeezed an avocado to check if it's ripe? You're not the only one doing this and that's why we spread our bacteria on fruits and vegetables. By denting a piece of fruit, you make it more vulnerable, which makes it easier for bacteria to have free rein.

2. Meat packaging
According to an English study, 40 percent of raw meat packaging contains bacteria from the meat on the outside of the packaging.

3. The ATM
Some ATMs are dirtier than a public toilet. Does your debit card have an NFC function? This allows you to withdraw up to a certain amount per day at the appropriate ATMs without entering your PIN code.

4. The shopping belt
Research shows that yeasts and molds are present on almost all grocery belts.

5. The cash register
You put your debit card there, your money, a forgotten message, your bonus card or you lean on it. The area around the cash register comes into contact with many things, which means that a lot of bacteria occur.

Where have the shopping trolleys and shopping baskets gone in the list? We bet that these also score high when it comes to bacteria.

You can't avoid bacteria and you shouldn't want to, but this list is a good reason to wash your vegetables well and wash or replace your shopping bag again.