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With these tips you can get the most out of your day off

With these tips you can get the most out of your day off

A day off is something you can look forward to for weeks. Yet it often happens that at the end of the day you think:did I do what I wanted to do? Make the most of your day off with these tips.


On a day off, it's tempting to stay in bed for a long time. You will only notice that time passes much faster and that lying down for longer makes you feel less productive. Try to get up early and exercise. After an hour of exercise you will feel more energetic and you will embrace the day.

Read also: ‘create your own home spa!‘

Out and about in your own country

The Netherlands has so many beautiful cities and there is probably a city that you have not been to yet. Get in the car or train and discover a new city alone or together. Plan your day out in advance so that you can look for great offers or promotions.

Do what you like

Everyone has a list of things to do. And how nice is that feeling when you can cross off those tasks. On a day off you can take the time for that. Make sure that you do not plan your entire day with these kinds of tasks. That way you don't get equipped. Try to find a balance between a 'must' (visit to the dentist) and something you enjoy.


Sometimes you're so busy that an appointment with a friend sometimes misses the mark. Yet it is important to maintain this bond well for social contacts, but also because it gives you a lot of positive energy. This positive energy will make you happier and healthier. On your day off, take time out for your friends. Go shopping or have a nice chat.