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Tips to keep weight loss on track in the summer

Summer is in full swing and temperatures are unprecedentedly high. Studies have shown that both adults and children tend to gain weight in the summer months, but that doesn't have to be the case. We've put together some simple tips here to help people stay active and commit to weight loss during the summer.

Hydrate: This should be your main priority during summer activities. Drink plenty of water before, during and after physical activity to prevent dehydration. Dehydration means you're not getting the oxygen and nutrients you need when you need to, leaving you feeling tired and sluggish. Proper hydration is crucial for many processes that take place in the human body, including kidney function and digestion. Go for low or zero calorie drinks, preferably water. Not crazy about plain water? Add flavor with slices of your favorite fruit, or consider cucumber, mint or ginger.

Go in: When it gets hot outside, choose to do activities indoors to stay active. Hit the gym or sports center for a wide variety of physical activities that you can enjoy indoors, such as rock climbing, zumba dancing, basketball or volleyball. Or take advantage of the available equipment, including resistance weights, treadmills, and bicycles. YouTube has some great workout videos and there are tons of activity apps that can guide you through exercises at home. Remember that every move counts!

Keep to a schedule: Without the habit of getting up and getting ready for work, you may have trouble sticking to a daily routine. If your work or other obligations don't force you to hit the road in the morning, you tend to go to sleep and snack more than usual. Studies show that maintaining a routine benefits the human body in several ways, including efforts to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Try to eat only at mealtimes (with an afternoon snack if needed), stick fairly close to your normal sleep routine, and incorporate exercise throughout the day.

Keep busy: Make plans that get you out of the house and away from the fridge. Plan day trips to different museums or go to the park. Try a round of mini golf – a great way to get exercise during the cooler evenings. Swimming and other water activities are also great options.

Get away from electronics: In a world buzzing with activity and our need to stay connected, try to save time disconnecting. Embrace the downtime in any way you can, and soothe your soul, body and mind.

Eat mindfully: Summertime can be synonymous with picnics, barbecues and other fun activities that revolve around food, often including sugary drinks and snacks like chips, dips, cookies and cakes. Plan ahead – avoid going on an empty stomach by grabbing a healthy snack before you walk out the door. If you're attending an event, consider contributing healthy food options to make better food choices. If bringing healthy food isn't an option, watch portion sizes by not overloading your plate and don't go back for a second round (unless it's salad/vegetables). Choose a healthy portion of protein (grilled chicken, fish or meat) and omit the bun. Choose nuts over chips and berries for sweet treats. Make it all about family or friends, not the food.

Alcohol. ALL forms of alcohol contain calories and some such as dark beers, sweet wines and frozen drinks can also be very high in carbohydrates. Some tips to keep things under control:Set a limit in advance and stick to it; dilute your alcoholic drink with sparkling water or other non-caloric liquid (more diet soda/lower liquor); sticks to lighter beers with fewer calories; drink plenty of water; and stay away from pre-frozen drinks!

The organic market and supermarkets are full of fresh products. Keep healthy food in your fridge to encourage sensible choices. Longer daylight hours can make you hungry before going to bed. If you need a snack, make sure you have high-quality, nutritious, nutrient-poor foods on hand.