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Not losing weight but gaining weight:how do you do that in a healthy way?

Not losing weight but gaining weight:how do you do that in a healthy way?

Gaining weight can be as much of a struggle as losing weight. Because how do you approach that responsibly and do you maintain your weight? Dietitian Carlijn Appel gives a number of tips in the November issue of Santé. Here you can already read 3 tips.

1. Is gaining weight really that difficult?

“If you are overweight, you may not be able to imagine it, but I notice in my practice that gaining weight is often more difficult than losing weight. Many underweight people I see suffer from disease-related malnutrition. If you are not already in top shape, it can cost a lot of extra energy to also have to eat against your gut. It is usually easier for people who are healthy and still want to gain weight, but it does take patience. Gaining a kilo a week – as overweight people can often lose weight – is really not realistic. You have to give yourself time to take it step by step.”

2. Do you recommend a pie-and-fries diet?

“If you want to gain weight, the most important thing is that you take in more calories than you burn. And if enough food is a challenge in itself, I recommend that you mainly choose things that you like. They go in easier. Unfortunately, a diet of cakes and fast food often makes you heavier, but not necessarily healthier. That is why I prefer to make people gain weight by eating high-calorie and nutritious food. Then a cake or chips from time to time is a nice bonus, but not the basis.”

3. What can you do to whet your appetite?

“Make sure you keep moving. An apple or other – sour – fruit can also help, as can a cup of broth half an hour before eating.”

Read more tips in the November issue of Santé!

Or take a look at Carlijn Appel's site at

Source:Santé November 2020, text:Marion van Es