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3 tricks that help you lose weight according to science

3 tricks that help you lose weight according to science

There are so many tips on how to lose weight and research has been done on the craziest topics. We have collected some funny tips that would help you lose weight.

1. Hang a mirror in the dining room If you see yourself getting rid of an unhealthy bite in the mirror, you would get less hungry and eat less. But the reverse also seems to be true:if you see yourself eating vegetables or something else healthy in the mirror, you would eat more of them.

2. Clean up the kitchen
Make sure your kitchen is tidy, and especially that the snacks are out of sight. A tidy kitchen means that you snack less.

3. Pay for your snacks with cash Do you often give in to something tasty at the station or at the gas station? Pay cash, so you would be more inclined not to buy something.

Do you want to shop smarter in the supermarket? You can do that with these 20 tips.