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Lose weight permanently? A breeze with these waste hacks

Lose weight permanently? A breeze with these waste hacks

Persistence is an important part of losing weight. And that's just a little easier if you also have success, so take advantage of these waste hacks.

1. Breathe in…

Stress makes you fat. So the next time you feel like cake or chips, breathe in and out three times slowly. There is a good chance that the 'stress hunger' has disappeared or at least diminished afterwards.

2. Brush your teeth immediately after eating

Weird, but true:that signals your brain that lunch or dinner is over. Only problem is, don't brush your teeth until about an hour after eating if you want to protect your enamel. In that case, the solution is to rinse with water immediately after eating and then brush an hour later.

3. Make time for tea

Put tea on your menu. Green tea to be precise, because it contains caffeine, which ensures that your metabolism works faster, you have less appetite and have more energy to exercise. Do you know this green tea already?

4. Take small lifestyle steps instead of big

A small change in your diet – for example no more chips and alcohol during the week – often has more effect than a radical diet, according to research published in Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

5. No workout after 9 p.m.

Exercising at night can make it harder for you to fall asleep. And little sleep is bad for your diet. It is ideal to exercise on an empty stomach in the morning, then you burn optimal fat.

6. Delete that banned list

Don't ban your favorite candy, cookie or snack from your diet. That makes it more difficult not to eat it. Instead, think about when and how much you can eat. Then you can look forward to that.

7. Don't think about your workout

Do you already think in the morning:tonight I have to exercise again? Get it out of your mind. A French study shows that people who think about exercising during the day unconsciously eat more.

8. Choose dairy

Many diets believe that dairy is not good for you. Yet a study by the American University of Tennessee shows that obese patients who eat or drink dairy products three times a day lose more weight than obese patients who do not.

9. Light a scented candle

Tip for dessert lovers:light a vanilla scented candle . after dinner at. The aroma ensures that your craving for dessert decreases. The vanilla scent . helped a group of 160 volunteers to lose an average of more than two kilos. You can also use vanilla fragrance sticks like these .

10. Lose weight while you sleep?

Turn off the heating. Research shows that you burn more calories in a cold bedroom:an average of 100 per night. And while you're at it, make sure you have a dark room. Ohio State University research found that light sleep leads to irregular eating and increased hunger.

11. Take a walk

And keep it up a little longer. The American Duke University conducted research into the effects of walking on weight loss, and it turns out that you only burn fat after 45 minutes. So make sure you walk for at least an hour.

12. Smell peppermint

The Wheeling Jesuit University in America did a test in which people smoke peppermint every two hours for five days. The result? They were considerably less hungry.