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No More Dieting:These Strategies Will Really Help You Lose Weight

In the beginning there are big plans:no fries, no chocolate, two dress sizes less. But after a phase of iron will and calorie counting, cravings and cravings often return — and with them the pounds already lost. Losing weight can be quite difficult, but there are strategies that make it easier and more promising.

A strategy for weight loss success:eat yourself full

It is important to set realistic goals. Every gram counts when it comes to weight loss, for example if you lose five percent of your weight, unhealthy liver fat is reduced and your health benefits. Another strategy for success:eat your fill. So even during a slimming phase you should eat enough three times a day. In this way you prevent food cravings, you feel more satisfied and your blood sugar level is also more stable. To maintain weight and avoid the yo-yo effect, it is also important to eat enough – preferably vegetables, whole grains, lean meat or salad.

Record what you eat

Some eat too many highly processed carbohydrates, others cook healthy but eat too large portions. Write down what you ate for a week and discuss it with a nutritionist. The conscious choice of food also helps to reduce weight. Because many eating decisions are made unconsciously, unhealthy dishes are often chosen. We make healthier decisions and automatically eat less if we interrupt these unconscious processes with an intermediate step. For example, nutrition apps or a classic diary can help here, with which you can document your own food.

Losing weight works better together

The real challenge comes after losing weight and is keeping the weight off permanently. If the neighbor invites you to a party:outliers are part of it. Anyone who gives themselves flexibility and space from the start will not give up. Tip:Losing weight often works better with others. You can motivate each other, exercise together, let go of frustration – and the social pressure of the group helps to keep up.