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To lose weight? Start the day with an egg

To lose weight? Start the day with an egg

To lose weight? Start the day with an egg. That is the conclusion of these American researchers. You can read why that is here.

This conclusion was reached by researchers at the American Pennington Biomedical Research Center after a study of a group of overweight adults. During the study, the participants were given a different breakfast each time, but the number of carbohydrates, proteins, calories and fats was always the same. And what turned out? People who had eaten an egg for breakfast felt less hungry for lunch and also ate less of the buffet they were served in the afternoon than people who had cornflakes or cruesli for breakfast.

To lose weight? Start the day with an egg

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Feeling full
The research shows that you can better control your appetite by starting your day with an egg. The proteins in egg make you feel full longer than those in grains, making it easier to stick to your diet.


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