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7 Quick Tips To Lose Weight With Your Belly

Do you suffer from extra fat in your belly? Would you like a toned stomach, but you don't know where to start? Discover 7 quick tips to lose weight with your belly.

Is local weight loss possible?

Below you will see a lot of tips that you can apply in your daily life to lose weight. However, you should not forget:as much as you would like to, you will never lose weight locally. The weight loss process, your diet and level of exercise determine where your fat can be converted into muscle. In the first instance, switching to a different diet can ensure that your stomach is less swollen and you lose more fluid, so that your belly becomes a lot slimmer.

By exercising you can generally lose weight where there is an excess of fat. Keep in mind that your breasts also consist of fat. This means that as a woman you not only lose fat in your abdomen, hips and (thigh) legs, but there is also a good chance that your breasts will become smaller.

7 Quick tips to lose weight with your belly

The tips below can help you if you want to lose weight in a healthy and responsible way. You will notice that you lose weight not only in your belly, but also elsewhere. You will generally become healthier and, above all, fitter.

1. Fresh cooking

It seems obvious, but many people overlook this. It's easier to come home after a long day at work to prepare a frozen or 'fresh' meal from the refrigerator. Do you want to lose weight healthily? Then it is important to cook yourself every day. Fresh ingredients, without the addition of packets and sachets. That way you don't have to worry about all kinds of additives such as too much salt or sugars.

2. Planning meals and snacks

Just like you plan your work, hobbies and outings, it is important to plan your meals. Preferably eat at set times and provide healthy and filling meals tailored to your needs. In addition to meals, you should also plan your snacks. To avoid reaching for unhealthy snacks such as cookies, chips and candy, make sure you have snack vegetables, nuts or, for example, a homemade muesli bar at hand.

3. Carbohydrates and protein

Instead of stuffing yourself with carbohydrate-rich foods such as white bread, pasta and white rice, opt for alternatives. Think of couscous, multigrain pasta and bread and, for example, eating protein-rich foods. This is especially important in the afternoon and evening. For example, eat more egg, chicken breast and fish. As a result, you feel full for longer and you reach for snacks less quickly. In addition, it also ensures good digestion.

4. Drinking enough water

Drinking enough is an important part of losing weight. Therefore, drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Do you find it difficult to drink water? Then alternate with unsweetened herbal tea or water containing cucumber and or lemon. Do you exercise more than half an hour a day? Then you can drink at least half a liter of water extra.

5. Avoid stress

Stress is unfortunately a big culprit when it comes to increasing weight, especially in the abdominal area. This is because your body produces the hormone cortisol in response to stress. This makes you hungry faster and the breakdown of fat is inhibited. So make sure you have some me-time every day. Even if it is only 2 x 15 minutes. During that time, do something that really relaxes you. Listen to music, read a book or go for a walk.

6. Sports

Do you want a flatter stomach? Then sports and doing a workout are indispensable and daily. You don't necessarily have to go to the gym for this. You can also do a full workout at home with obvious things. What also helps is buying a weighted hoop! Build it all up slowly to make sure you can keep it up in the long run. Make sure you load different muscle groups every day and avoid overloading the muscles, because then you will be out of the running for longer.

7. Eliminate stimulants

Did you know that alcohol is a major culprit with regard to weight gain? And the same goes for smoking. Do you want to lose weight with your belly? Then make sure you leave out these stimulants.

General tips for losing weight at the belly

As you can see, there are many things you can do to lose weight. By the way, don't worry too much about your weight. It is possible that you eventually become thinner, but at the same time heavier. This is because fat is converted into muscle and muscles simply weigh more. It is therefore more important to measure your waist size before you start a healthy lifestyle, in between and at the end when you have reached your goal.

When measuring the waist circumference, something often goes wrong, just like when weighing to lose weight. Be sure to measure your waist circumference in the morning, just after going to the toilet. Do this on a fixed day and time of the week or month.

In addition to the above tips, two more things are extremely important to lose weight:sufficient sleep and sufficient vitamin D. Both are a culprit that many people (unknowingly) have a large shortage of. The first you can solve yourself, for the second you have to go to the doctor to determine the deficiency. Although most general practitioners are satisfied with 40- 50 µg, hospitals maintain at least 80. If you are deficient in vitamin D, it will affect your blood sugar level and you can gain (considerably) weight.