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Stay at your ideal weight with these 3 tips!

Stay at your ideal weight with these 3 tips!

Are you also very proud when you have lost a few kilos and are nice and tight in your skin again? But do you also have a lot of trouble maintaining your weight? With these 3 tips you will stay at your ideal weight.

It happens to many people that it is difficult to maintain weight after dieting. With a number of easy-to-apply tips, Thomas van Hooren of will help you to prevent the pounds from being put back on as quickly as they have flown off.

Read also: 'You shouldn't do this if you want to maintain your weight'

1. Daily exercise

“By making sure you get enough exercise every day, your body continues to fuel the combustion engine. This is just as important after weight loss as it is during weight loss. When you start to move less, your body becomes lazier, and it will replenish the fat reserves more quickly. It's easier than you think. For example, take the bike to work instead of the car. Take a walk during your break. Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator. Or take a walk in the evening after dinner. It is also important to exercise every now and then. Small adjustments like this can make a big difference. You will notice that you will continue to feel fit and that you will remain tight in your skin.”

2. Balance day

“Everyone knows it. You had a nice evening out with friends, maybe you ate a little too much and drank just a little too much wine. The next day you feel guilty. You are afraid that you will gain weight again. This is not necessary at all, enjoy! It is only important that you take a little more into account the day after what you eat. I recommend sticking to three meals:breakfast, lunch and dinner. So do not take any snacks on this day. I also advise you to opt for lean products and not too large portions on this day. In this way you compensate for the extra calories from the night before. So you can still enjoy yourself, but in a responsible way.”

3. Build up slowly

“You have just finished losing weight, you have reached your target weight. At this point, many people think they can immediately go back to eating as usual. This is not wise. After losing weight, slowly build up the number of calories you eat per day. You can do this by increasing your total calories per day by 100 to 150 calories each week. In this way, your body can slowly adjust to more food, and your weight will remain constant. In this way you train your body (with a difficult word 'metabolism') to be able to burn more food without gaining weight.

With the above tips you stay nice and tight in your skin and you prevent the infamous yo-yo effect. This way you can still enjoy life, with good food and drinks, but at your ideal weight.”

More about Thomas van Hooren

Thomas is very involved with sports and health. He likes to motivate people to live in a healthy way and get enough exercise. In addition, he also likes to enjoy good food and a drink on the weekend. For more information and advice, visit