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Eating more and still losing weight? It really is possible with these tips

Eating more and still losing weight? It really is possible with these tips

If you want to lose weight, you will eat less. Logical right? Not quite:eating more food can make you lose weight faster. Take advantage of our tips.

Don't:skip carbs

Many dieters are the first to eliminate carbohydrates from their diet. Not wise, because a shortage of carbohydrates means your body lacks energy and nutrients to function properly. Result:you feel lethargic and your body switches to a kind of 'saving mode' where your metabolism slows down. The few carbohydrates that your body does get, it saves for an emergency situation, resulting in weight gain. If you do eat enough carbohydrates, you burn them faster, because your body is not afraid of a shortage of sugars and therefore does not store a stock of reserve carbohydrates. Always choose natural carbohydrates that have not been processed and that do not contain additives, such as factory sugar. You can find them in sweet potato, quinoa, oats, buckwheat, fruits, beans, legumes and vegetables. A day about forty percent of your diet may consist of good carbohydrates.


Vegetables are full of healthy nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. You can easily eat about 400 to 500 grams of it per day. The advantage is that you feel full quickly, which means you don't get hungry again. As a result, you eat a lot, but you get relatively fewer calories, so you can lose weight. Eat as many different colored vegetables in a day as possible. This way you get an optimal amount of different types of nutrients. For example, try this Italian vegetable mix. With this you immediately get a lot of different types of vegetables.

Fat is your friend

Okay, some fats are downright bad for you (like trans fats). But there are also healthy, natural fats that can actually help you lose weight. It's like this:by eating healthy fat, you burn body fat, because your body uses the fat as energy the moment you run out of carbohydrates. Healthy fats can be vegetable or animal and are always unprocessed. They are included in avocado , notes , fatty fish, nut butter and natural oils, such as cold-pressed olive oil and coconut oil. (Note, sunflower oil is not included here!) You need about forty percent healthy fat in your diet every day.

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Eat more proteins

Proteins strengthen muscles, nerves and bones and help your body recover from sports damage. If you eat too little protein, you can get all kinds of complaints, such as muscle pain. You are also more likely to break a bone if you fall and you are more likely to get an injury during exercise. Make sure that about twenty percent of everything you eat in a day consists of protein. Healthy protein-rich choices include chicken breast, nuts , chickpeas , lentils, eggs and cottage cheese.

Eating more and still losing weight? It really is possible with these tips

Don't forget fibres

Fiber is the collective name for a group of carbohydrates that occur naturally in plants. Animal products such as fish, meat and egg do not contain fiber. Fibers cannot be digested by your small intestine and moves to your large intestine, where they make your stools smooth, ensure good flow and smooth bowel movements. Because they absorb fluids and are not digested, they make you feel full, allowing you to lower your calorie intake and lose weight throughout the day. Choose the right, unprocessed fibres, which occur naturally in, for example, raspberries, linseed, vegetables, spices such as cayenne pepper and cinnamon and pseudo grains:quinoa , buckwheat, oats and amaranth.