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Lose weight by playing squash

There are so many things you can do to lose weight, and the average person probably already knows that watching what you eat and burning more calories than you take in are the most important factors in losing weight. It is therefore important to exercise to burn those calories. Running and jumping rope are one of the sports that aid in weight loss, but something you probably haven't thought of before is a simple game like squash! This fun and highly competitive sport will burn huge amounts of calories, improve your stamina, reduce stress, and leave your body looking toned.

What is squash?
Squash is a ball game played in a special enclosed squash court with four high walls. You can play squash with two people, but you can also play a double squash with 3 or 4 people. The object is to hit a squash ball against the wall in front of you, and your opponent must try to hit it. It takes a good physical condition, reaction speed and concentration to make sure you beat the other player. Playing squash can therefore be an efficient workout for weight loss because you are constantly moving and doing short sprints. Because it is such a very intense exercise, squash is considered an ideal cardio workout. No matter how old you are, you can quickly reap good results when you play squash.

How do you start playing squash? You can easily play squash at one of the many squash courts in the Netherlands. You can rent the track for an hour, so it's easy to see if it's for you. Of course you can also take lessons. To start playing squash, all you need in the beginning is a squash racket! These come in a wide range. They are available in different designs, materials and price ranges. An important factor in the choice of racket is the weight. If you play squash regularly and are totally into it, you will see the results and notice that you are healthier, less stressed, and will enjoy the game.