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Covid-19:exasperated, this expert publishes 40 brutal reasons to respect confinement

As the global situation worsens every day, France has seen its confinement prolonged. Head of intensive care at the Institut Curie in Paris, Professor Gilles Dhonneur is however outraged to see so many people outside. Exasperated, the interested party published 40 reasons to listen to reason and enforce confinement.

A cry to enforce confinement

With a global toll of around 1.8 million cases for nearly 110,000 deaths , the situation is serious. Moreover, 4 billion people are placed in confinement or subject to rules of social distancing. In France, confinement began on March 17, 2020 and has already been extended. This Monday, April 13, President Emmanuel Macron will speak and everyone expects a further extension. While the toll in France is 130,000 cases for more than 13,800 deaths, a high plateau of the epidemic seems to be beginning, so much so that the question of deconfinement has for the moment been put aside.

On April 9, 2020, Le Parisien reported a Facebook post by Gilles Dhonneur, head of intensive care at the Institut Curie in Paris. This post – which has since been taken down – included 40 reasons to enforce the lockdown. The least we can say is that the expert did not mince his words and castigated "all the morons" deconfined before their time.

Covid-19:exasperated, this expert publishes 40 brutal reasons to respect confinement

This is how his post titled begins Sismotherapy for an Irresponsible :

“To you who do not respect confinement, I offer you 40 good reasons to change your attitude:20 for yours and 20 for you. If you respect confinement, this letter is not addressed to you, but you can nevertheless pass it on to your acquaintances who do not respect it! »

The 20 reasons "for yours"

1- Containment is time offered to medical research to test new remedies against Covid19 and thus avoid a carnage.
2- Containment, these are places in intensive care and respirators available to assist your father who is starting to choke and gasp for air.
3- Confinement is the opportunity to offer a dignified death to your uncle of 65 years that we are going to condemn by not resuscitating him because he is obese, diabetic and takes medication for his blood pressure!
4- Confinement is less pain for your big brother to whom I will put a tube in the trachea to try to save him.
5- Confinement is more comfort and comfort for your grandfather who is dying in a death room, alone in a crowded and overwhelmed hospital.
6- Confinement is tears saved in your family and your circle of friends
7- Confinement is hoping to be able to accompany with your pa rent, your loved ones and their friends, one of yours, in their entirety, towards their final resting place.
8- Confinement means preserved muscles, those of your best friend who has become a walking skeleton who is about to come out of intensive care quadriplegic he has melted so much.
9- Confinement is a bit of breath saved for your asthmatic little sister who will squirm to get air for 15 days, and who may not survive.
10- Confinement is flexibility in the joints of your mother who will no longer be able to feed you for 2 years as her joints will be painful or blocked by the 4 weeks of resuscitation that she will do.
11- Confinement is to prevent you and your wife from smelling the smell of your mother-in-law who shit on herself and who will bathe in her liquid and corrosive stench, at the time of seeing her in intensive care.
12- Confinement means preventing your uncle from having a long pipe in his penis to pee dif slowly, by burning himself, for the rest of his life.
13- Confinement means preventing a flexible tube from being inserted into the trachea of ​​your girlfriend's father to suck painfully every 4 hours , the miasma left by Covid-19 which is eating away at his lungs.
14- Confinement is so that your best friend's father doesn't get stuck by the windpipe to a machine that inflates and deflates him without stoppage for 1 month, to end up dead, all blue.
15- Confinement is products against pain, available to make you endure the burning and prickly care that you will receive in intensive care.
16- Confinement means having a specialized doctor take care of your big sister lying in an intensive care bed and not a volunteer, the only voluntary survivor, kind and courageous, who does what he can and finishes her off by his "incompetence" by exploding his lungs.
17- Confinement means preventing your nanny's husband from re find him hooked in 2 months, 2 or 3 times a week, to a dialysis machine to replace his kidneys puffed up by Covid-19, and this for the rest of these days.
18- Lockdown is for that you don't have the vision of your big brother in intensive care, with a gaping hole in his throat equipped with a little tube that allows him to breathe, while he is puffy and yellow as a quince, with oozing pipes puncturing his neck, chest and forearms.
19- Confinement means optimum care for your younger brother who will survive in intensive care but who will not even be able to run 20 m because of his little lungs will have been ruined irreparably, burned by the oxygen that has become essential to his life.
20- Confinement means fewer carers affected by Covid-19, to better take care of them more professionally and more delicately of the sick of your family circle.

The 20 reasons "for you"

1- Confinement is an opportunity given to your children to know and live with your parents.
2- Confinement is learning to say thank you, even quietly, even in thoughts to those who clean the ass and sex of your parents in intensive care for a pittance.
3- Confinement is an opportunity to shut your mouth and listen to the silence, so intense. You will see how good it is to discover the beauty of music:classical music, Léonard Cohen and Souad Massi.
4- Confinement is allowing you to reflect on the existence of your God, of him talk and ask him a few questions on my behalf. Ask him please, since he is so great, so good, so merciful, why a gathering in his honor is the main cause of the drama we are experiencing in France?
5- Confinement is to have a chance to see your grandparents alive again, so dear to your little ones.
6- Confinement gives your mother more chances to hug you next year.
7- Confinement is a chance to see your sister get married and for a little man to call you uncle!
8- Confinement is learning to take a trip, but only in your head, you'll see that with a little practice it's possible, you'll fly!
9- Confinement is an opportunity to talk to trees and rub your bark, to embrace to feel small and alive, on Earth, now.
10- Confinement is a chance for you to mentally learn to re-smell the perfume of your first girlfriend, the smell of delicious dishes your mother used to make, today in intensive care, the smell of jasmine in May in the port of Solenzara, the subtle taste of mint tea served early at the Café des Délices in Sidi-BouSaïd. With a little insight and practice you'll be able to do this, and that's good!
11- Lockdown is not just about "imagining" this summer, it's about getting there .
12- Confinement is your chance to observe the nature that is born in this spring of 2020 and have the desire to re-live this re-birth in 2021.
13- Confinement , it's an opportunity to love, to love again, better.
14- Confinement is an opportunity to have a baby.
15- Confinement is to be afraid for your loved ones, and tell yourself that you won't put them in danger, at least you. sides, and give them a place with us again.
17- Confinement is not expensive and it's easy. At a minimum, you caulk yourself, you stay at home and you applaud caregivers in the evening at 8 p.m., even if there is no living soul 500 m away.
18- Confinement, it's a good time to learn the meaning of important words like:solidarity, benevolence, empathy, humility and humanity; they will be useful for the rest of your new life!
19- Confinement is an opportunity to understand this invisible bond carefully woven by mothers, our grandmothers, to constitute a kind of solid reassuring shield all around us all, which protects us and sometimes suffocates us. I'm talking about the family cocoon! »
20- Confinement is the hope of de-confinement, it is to limit the risk of re-confinement and it is above all the hope for you and yours to be present at the dawn of a new era for humanity.