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Are smokers more exposed to complications from Covid-19?

If the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak continues, researchers continue to investigate. According to a study conducted in China, tobacco is linked to a higher risk of contracting a severe form of the disease. However, this study is the subject of interest from the Alliance against tobacco, an association based in France.

Tobacco and coronavirus don't mix

With the arrival of the coronavirus epidemic on French soil, various voices are being heard. We recently mentioned chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchi. Many patients are affected by this little known disease and mainly caused by smoking . For the France BCPO association, these patients are the most vulnerable to the coronavirus.

From now on, it is a question of whether, apart from patients with COPD, smokers are more at risk or not of contracting a severe form of the disease linked to Covid-19. According to an information note published by the Alliance Against Tobacco on March 4, 2020, there is no doubt. This Paris-based association reported on a study conducted in China and published in the New England Journal of Medicine this February 28, 2020.

Smokers and non-smokers unequal in the face of the coronavirus

Conducted in China on 1,100 patients , the study is the result of a collaboration of researchers gathered in the China Medical Treatment Expert Group for Covid-19. According to the results, there would be a link between smoking status and the risk of presenting a severe form of the coronavirus. We already knew that despite the recent mutation, most people develop a mild form disease.

Nevertheless, smokers and non-smokers are not equal when it comes to the development of a severe form of the disease. Indeed, 14% of non-smoking patients contracted a severe form against 21% of smokers . The researchers also noted a difference when it came to the most severe cases. Only 5% of non-smokers contract this extreme form of the disease compared to 12% of smokers.

Are smokers more exposed to complications from Covid-19?

In reality, CNRS researcher Sandrine Belouzard n did not need the Chinese study to come to this kind of conclusion. Questioned on February 19, 2020 by LCI, the person concerned already claimed that smoking was a source of chronic bronchitis and respiratory diseases. However, these may be comorbidity factors , that is, an association of these diseases with the coronavirus.


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