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Covid-19:the spread of the epidemic slows in China, a first death and a 12th case in France

With more than 70,000 confirmed cases and nearly 1,800 deaths, the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak continues. However, the latter is finally running out of steam. In France, a first death as well as a twelfth case have been confirmed. In Japan, the number of cases on the Yokohama liner has increased.

The latest report

According to the South China Morning Post on February 17, 2020, the latest assessment of the epidemic reports 71,326 confirmed cases for 1,775 deaths . The number of people cured has meanwhile exceeded the 10,000 mark. According to the Chinese authorities, there is a national drop in the proportion of serious cases of Covid-19. This is mainly due to the measures taken since the beginning of the phenomenon.

This drop has been effective since the peak of January 27 despite a sharp rise a few days ago due to broadening of diagnostic criteria . However, the world remains on alert. On February 15, the World Health Organization (WHO) considered that it was impossible to make predictions on the evolution of the disease.

Covid-19:the spread of the epidemic slows in China, a first death and a 12th case in France

First death and 12th case in France

This weekend, our country experienced a rebound with the first death in France. This also happens to be the first death outside of Asia . Originally from the province of Hubei (China), the 80-year-old patient arrived in Paris on January 23.

Let us also mention the discovery of a new case of Covid-19 on French territory. This twelfth case was part of the group of Britons who stayed in the chalet in Contamines-Montjoie (Haute-Savoie). However, a first case had been confirmed in this group, then five others thereafter.

Japan:more than 350 cases on the liner

The Yokohama Liner case is getting bigger and bigger. This weekend, 70 additional cases were confirmed on board. The latest report therefore reports 355 cases out of a total of around 3,700 passengers (including 1,219 tested). It should be noted that 73 of the confirmed cases show no symptoms of the disease. Countries such as the United States, Canada and Australia have said they want to repatriate their nationals and place them in quarantine.

With its 412 cases, Japan remains more than ever the country most affected by Covid-19 after China. The other countries with the most cases are Singapore (75 cases), Hong Kong (57) and Thailand (34).


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