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4 simple meal tricks that will help you eat less

4 simple meal tricks that will help you eat less

Sometimes we are so busy losing weight that we only focus on eating less, making healthy choices and maybe counting calories. Yet there are a number of other ways that you can eat less that have nothing to do with what and how much you eat. Are you reading along?

Read also :'10 myths about losing weight that you should definitely not believe'

1. Put your phone away

Do you always check your emails during breakfast? Or do you scroll through your social media during lunch? It may seem like a small distraction, but it has a big effect on how much you enjoy your meals. In a 2011 study, 44 participants were divided into two groups. One group was allowed to play a game on their phone during lunch, the other group was not. Everyone was given nine savory items to eat and had to rate their hunger after the meal and name what they had eaten. Thirty minutes later they took part in a cookie test. What turned out? The distracted group was less full after lunch and ate more cookies in the test after lunch. They were also less accurate in describing exactly what they ate for lunch. So do you want to eat less? Then simply putting your phone away and paying more attention to what's on your plate can help a lot.

2. Eat with cutlery

Eating with your hands can be wonderful, but it can also cause you to overeat. When we eat with our hands, for example with chicken bones, tacos or fries, our sensory experience is enhanced by the direct touch, making us enjoy our food more. This makes us eat more, according to a study from the Journal of Retailing. Does that mean you shouldn't eat pizza or chips anymore? No, it is not. Just make sure you eat more mindfully when you eat with your hands. You should of course enjoy your food, but be aware that you may continue to eat because of the food, not because you are still hungry.

3. Put your fork down between bites

The next time you eat, try challenging yourself to take breaks between bites and put down your fork. Why? A 2014 study found that eating slower can cause you to eat less. It could be because eating more slowly affects the hormones that suppress your hunger, making you feel full faster. It may also be related to the duration and intensity of oral exposure to food; if you eat faster, you are exposed to sensory experiences for less time, so you eat more. Eating more slowly can therefore ensure that you eat less!

4. Drink before you start eating

We already knew that it is important to drink enough water, but it can also help you control your weight. By drinking water before starting a meal, you would eat less and therefore lose more weight, according to a 2015 study. The participants drank 500 milliliters of water each time 30 minutes before dinner. As a result, the participants lost about 11 kilos (!) more than the control group for 12 weeks. Not in the mood for water? Then add fresh fruit, cucumber slices or other herbs for a taste boost without extra sugar or calories?
