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5 Grandma's Tips to Help You Gain a Little Weight.

5 Grandma s Tips to Help You Gain a Little Weight.

Many of us are underweight.

If you're too skinny, you can be anemic or get tired quickly.

It is therefore important to first check your ideal height-weight ratio, and then try to approach it, by following a few essential points .

If you need to bulk up a bit, no medication! I have for you 5 grandmother's tips that will allow you to gain weight in a healthy way.

5 Grandma s Tips to Help You Gain a Little Weight.

1. Don't eat anything

Grandma's first recipe is not to eat just anything. We must not say to ourselves:"to gain weight, it's easy, I will eat sweets and fatty dishes". Sugar and fats are very bad for your health. No need to clog your arteries, lack vitamins or iron, it will harm you just as much.

2. Make small simple gestures

Here are 5 simple and easy remedies to gain weight quickly.

- Quit smoking :if you smoke and you think you can quit, here is a very good opportunity. Smoking kills your appetite and quitting it makes you hungry again!

- Have a snack to 4 p.m. or a snack in the morning does no harm if what you eat is healthy (apple, cereal, yogurt).

- Add a teaspoon of olive oil (the healthiest of oils) to all its salads, vegetables, pasta.

- Eat whole milk rather than semi-skimmed.

- Do some sport , which builds muscle and makes you hungry. Sport does not necessarily make you lose weight, if done moderately and with proper nutrition.

3. Enlarge the stomach a little

When I wanted to gain weight, I put just a spoon more food on my plate at every meal. It's a miracle recipe. The first few days, I had to force myself to eat it, then my stomach got used to this quantity. The main thing is to eat healthy.

4. Enjoy eating

Another tip:the important thing is to love to eat. Cook yourself, invent recipes, discover with surprise dishes that you will love. Invite friends to eat regularly, go out with them:a friendly and joyful atmosphere whets the appetite more than a meal alone.

5. Avoid stress

It is not recommended to weigh yourself every day, and to stress for a yes or a no. We relax, stress kills the appetite!

We stay zen, we take baths, we get a massage, we read, we walk... More relaxed, you'll gain a few pounds more easily now that you know how to gain weight quickly and naturally.

What do you think of these little tricks to gain weight quickly? They cost nothing and are easy to make... Give me your opinion in the comments!