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Why we don't lose weight

Why we don t lose weight

Are you unable to lose weight? Perhaps it is one of these four reasons.

These four reasons you're not losing weight seem so obvious. Yet it often goes wrong. Jessica Bartfield, who specializes in diet and weight, explains the four reasons.

1. We underestimate the number of calories we eat
It is difficult to know exactly how many calories you consume in a day. It helps to keep a food diary for a while, in which you write down everything you eat and drink. Also pay attention to the size of the portions you take and remember that when you eat out, you are often served larger portions.

2. We overestimate the number of calories we burn with exercise and sports
To get enough exercise every day, you should try to make exercise a regular part of your lifestyle. Get into the habit of walking or cycling short distances. If you use a pedometer, try to take 10,000 steps a day.

3. We time our meals poorly
To keep your metabolism going, you need enough food throughout the day. Don't skip breakfast and eat a snack or meal every three hours.

4. We don't sleep well enough
Research has shown that sleeping less than 6 hours makes you more hungry. So don't neglect your night's sleep.