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3 tips for healthy joints

Mobility often declines with age and joints begin to hurt. But that doesn't have to be the case:we give you tips to keep your joints healthy.

Just sitting at home is doing your joints a disservice. Instead, you should exercise regularly. This stimulates blood flow and ensures that the cartilage and tissue around the joints is renewed. Movement also stimulates the formation of synovial fluid, which is especially important for the functionality of the joints. It is important to choose the right sport. While some sports damage the joints more, swimming, walking and cycling are especially good for the joints.

Eat the right diet
One of the most common causes of joint damage is obesity. The extra weight especially puts pressure on the knee joints. To prevent long-term damage and to lead a healthier life in general, it makes sense to adjust the diet. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. In addition to weight loss, an appropriate diet contributes to the regeneration of the musculoskeletal system. Another factor, especially in gout patients, is the pyrin content of foods. If the diet contains large amounts of this substance, the symptoms may worsen.

Prevent injury
Incorrect movement or permanent loading - injuries can have various causes. In any case, it is important to allow the affected area to heal properly. If you don't let your body rest, you'll pay for it later with chronic wear and tear. It is best to see a doctor immediately after an injury for detailed advice. This way you prevent permanent damage.