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These household chores will help you lose a pound a week

Housework is a great way to keep fit. There are plenty of opportunities to get a full workout without even leaving your home, with the bonus of a spotlessly clean house at the end of it. But as is the case with any workout, the more you exert yourself, the greater the benefit. Below are household tasks that will help you lose at least a pound a week.

1. Sweep or mop
This will work on your upper and lower body at the same time. Go hard and fast with the mop to burn even more calories!
Calories Burned:Rapid mopping or sweeping can burn approximately 130 calories in 30 minutes.

2. Vacuuming Depending on the size of your home, vacuuming can provide the recommended 30 minutes of exercise per day. It's great for your legs because the task is performed in a semi-squat position plus you work your upper body as you move from side to side.
Calorie Burn:Vacuuming can burn 187 calories in 30 minutes.

3. Cleaning windows
Cleaning windows with enthusiasm and energy gives your upper body and arms an excellent workout.
Calories Burned:Cleaning windows rigorously burns approximately 168 calories in 30 minutes.

4. Scrubbing the bathroom
Scrubbing the tub or bathroom is a great way to exercise your arms.
Calorie burn:This chore may only take 15 minutes, but you'll be rewarded by burning 90 calories and to have a shiny bathroom.

5. Do the dishes
Multi-task while you burn calories by watching 30 minutes of your favorite TV show or listen to a podcast while you do the dishes.
Calorie burn:washing the dishes washing dishes by hand for 30 minutes burns about 50 calories.

6. Do the laundry
Be sure to walk up and down the stairs after each load to burn off those extra pounds.
Calories Burned:Loading laundry from washer to dryer, walking upstairs Folding, folding and organizing your laundry for 45 minutes will help burn 75 calories.