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Cold season – why drinking lots of water now helps

It is winter with cold, wet weather and colds are high season. But the weather isn't the only reason why colds, coughs and hoarseness are on the rise. Rather, it is stress and other factors, such as dry heating air, that can weaken the immune system. Drinking enough and regularly helps to prevent infections. Mineral water in particular provides the body with valuable fluids and supports our well-being in the cold season.

If it gets uncomfortable outside, the heater and stove inside provide warmth and comfort. But heated air often dries up our mucous membranes and paralyzes this “natural barrier” so that viruses and bacteria can easily enter our bodies. Colds and infections are then inevitable. It is easily prevented with mineral water. Because sufficient and regular drinking keeps the fluid balance stable and the immune system is ready for action.

But drinking is often forgotten in the cold season – unlike in summer, thirst is less pronounced. Nevertheless, for adults it should be at least 1.5 liters of liquid daily. Mineral water not only provides the body with the fluids it needs, but also with valuable minerals and trace elements that can support important bodily functions. In addition to drinking enough and regularly, there are other effective tips to get fit in winter:

Six tips for the cold season

Tip 1:Prepare drinks

Mineral water is practically available in bottles and gives a good overview of the drinking amount at home and in the office. Don't miss a sip!

Tip 2:Drink alternately

A wide variety of drinks can be mixed with mineral water – from non-alcoholic cocktails to infused mineral water to smoothies and spritzers. The more varied, the better!

Tip 3:Open the window

Fresh air is essential – especially in the heating season. Intermittent ventilation has proven its worth:turn off the stove and open the window wide for ten minutes. Deep breathing helps!

Tip 4:Conscious nutrition

Fresh fruits and vegetables should always be on the menu as they contain many important vitamins and minerals. Power that goes through the stomach!

Tip 5:Exercise regularly

Exercise is fun and stimulates the cardiovascular system, whether it's endurance, strength or team sports. Get off the couch, put on your running shoes!

Tip 6:Breaks are a must

But our bodies also need phases of recovery. Yoga or meditation, music and relaxation – anything that makes us “turn off” is good for us.