Family Best Time >> Health

Maintain a healthy lifestyle; tips!

Unfortunately, the Netherlands is still under the spell of COVID-19. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle seems more important than ever, but it is not that easy. Especially during the lockdown it turns out to be difficult for many Dutch people, and I have to admit… I find it very difficult myself. We can still eat healthy. We already did, and we still do. Except for an unhealthy meal now and then, but if you maintain a reasonably healthy lifestyle, that exception is not such a problem at all.

But especially the combination of snacks and (sustaining) exercise is a challenge. Sport in itself is a challenge I must say. Yet we try to encourage each other in the field of a healthy lifestyle and at the same time continue to enjoy ourselves. I'll tell you how.

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Tips for a healthy-lifestyle

In order to discuss the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, we try to make improvements in four areas.

  1. Food and drink
  2. Alcohol and smoking
  3. Rest and relaxation
  4. Movement

In my opinion, a healthy lifestyle also consists of the above points. Healthy food and drink is of course important. And by that I do not only mean sufficient fruit and vegetables, but also eating less sugar and drinking less alcohol. In addition, sufficient exercise is extremely important, but also get your rest and relaxation on time. The latter in particular plays a role in a healthy mental lifestyle. Because you can be physically healthy, but mental health is just as important!

With a healthy lifestyle you make sure that you are fitter, feel better and that you are less susceptible to diseases. Actually all important enough you would think to ensure that a healthy (starting) life.

What-we do-to-live-healthy?

First I will briefly discuss what we do to live healthy.

1. Food and drink

Eat enough fruit and vegetables and varied food † I already indicated that I think we are at a reasonable level with that, although the fruit intake could still improve a bit. We are quite lazy fruit eaters. When the fruit is there and ready, it is certainly liked to be eaten. But peeling a kiwi or washing grapes is actually too much work for the children, haha. Which means I could of course do that, but… I could use a kick in my… in that too.

We do pay attention to our sugar and salt intake, which are also important within a healthy lifestyle. Of course there is also a balance with us. There may be candies and snacks. Preferably in moderation, a bit à la the 80-20 rule. And for everything else, we add as little refined sugars as possible. When making sweet dishes I often work with polyols, you know, the natural sugar substitutes. I also have various recipes on MamsatWork in which I use polyols; these desserts with less sugar, for example. Because we know that eating less sugar is important, right? In addition, I cook as little as possible with packages and bags, preferably we eat as pure and unprocessed as possible where we add the herbs ourselves.

We also get something delicious for the weekend, but I try not to do that during the week. By using Hellofresh it also becomes easier to put a healthy meal on the table every day of the week without having to think about it much.

In terms of glasses of water, Frank is doing very well, he drinks a lot of water in a day. I don't drink enough water, I'm sure of that and I have to do something about it. At least 6 glasses of water a day is important. The children should also drink a little more water. I'm going to see if I can come up with some kind of water drinking contest for our family! Do you also find drinking water difficult? Then think about having a soda stream at home.

2. Alcohol and smoking do not fit into a healthy lifestyle

Alcohol and smoking are not part of a healthy lifestyle. None of us smoke (I used to smoke for years, but I've been smoke-free for 17 years now). We do drink alcohol, but more and more in moderation. Because it's not good for you, but also because I just can't stand it anymore, haha. Now I understand that if we really want to live healthy, we shouldn't drink alcohol at all. But relaxation is also important, as I have already mentioned. And every now and then a glass of wine also stands for relaxation for me 😉 .

But where I used to be able to make a bottle of wine 'easily' on a pleasant evening with friends, I think two glasses of wine on such an evening are really enough these days. That's already a big improvement.

3. Fitting rest and relaxation into your daily routine

This is also a huge challenge for many people. Rest and relaxation. In fact, we all just keep going. And we are also participating in that, especially when I look at the renovations we are currently doing. Yet I also think that we are quite good at seeking our peace and relaxation. I just think that the form of relaxation is also important, for example. Hanging out on the bang all night and relaxing with Netflix is ​​fine for once, but doing that every day won't make you any healthier.

Relaxing within a healthy lifestyle is, for example, also busy with your hobbies. And that is also a perfect way to reduce your stress. Making music is a great hobby for Frank and he does it every day. I think that is the ultimate way of relaxation. I like to work on the interior at home, but also to develop myself by learning new things. By making your own coarse knitted plaid or by painting or bullet journaling. Working with your hands is a very nice way to relax. Furthermore, our jacuzzi of course provides a wonderful relaxation. Don't you have it now? For example, consider yoga or mindfulness for relaxation.

Of course you really get some rest by going to bed on time. We are no longer night owls, and of course that has completely disappeared in the last year, so that peace of mind is fine.

4. Enough exercise for a healthy lifestyle

And then move enough. Before the Corona started I was very well on my way. Going to the gym three times a week is really a lot for me. I am not much of an athlete. But I was in a very good flow. Not only great for a healthy lifestyle, but also great for my wardrobe, because I noticed that I fit into my pants with a little more ease.

Unfortunately, that has now come to an end. Working out at home is of course an option, but not my forte. Still, I manage to take 10,000 steps every day, by walking the dog. Walking is also a very good way to relax! I also regularly take the bike and I also have a lot of exercise here at home with the renovation, which makes a difference!

Frank's sports continue as usual, because he sports outside and the children are also happy to play sports. In terms of exercise, I also think that it goes well with a healthy lifestyle.