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My 3 Infallible Tips for a Healthy Spring.

My 3 Infallible Tips for a Healthy Spring.

Seasonal changes are often disruptive, especially the passage of the winter to spring.

Fatigue, loss of tone... are common. But do you know that they can be avoided?

Here are 3 tips for both physical and psychological fitness.

My 3 Infallible Tips for a Healthy Spring.

1. I awaken the energy of my body

It is at the level of the spleen and the stomach that it must be rebalanced, in order to facilitate digestion in general. Here are 2 exercises:

- In the evening in your bed, massage your belly by simply laying your hand on it for about ten minutes, in order to relax your stomach and prepare you for sleep, while recharging it with energy for better digestion the next day.

- During the day, in a standing position, take a breath by inflating the belly then the abdomen, then take a break before exhaling slowly:repeat 5 times to release the stomach from accumulated stress.

2. I take care of my diet

We pay attention to what we eat but also how which we eat!

- Eat more slowly, chewing your food carefully.

- Drink between meals preferably:hot water with a slice of lemon.

- Avoid raw vegetables which are more difficult to digest and choose soft vegetables such as pumpkins, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes.

3. I manage my emotions

They too must be digested. For this:

- Don't get stuck on them but let them cross you without stopping.

- Do not ruminate on your annoyances, but, to deposit them somewhere, write them down.

- Arouse pleasant emotions by providing yourself with small pleasures that promote relaxation and harmony:a very hot scented tea, a walk in the forest or by the water...

And there you have it:all these little gestures should regenerate you and help you be in great shape for the new season! Have you tried it and does it work? Don't forget to tell us in a little comment.