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5 tips for a healthier breakfast

5 tips for a healthier breakfast

Do you feel that your breakfast is very healthy? Or do you (unconsciously) fall for these pitfalls?

Use these tips to your advantage.

Don't be fooled by fruit juice

It sounds healthy to drink a juice with your breakfast, but many variants from the supermarket are not that healthy at all. Always good:eat a loose piece of fruit and drink a glass of water with it.

Read also: '6 products that add unnecessary sugar to your breakfast'

Resist the temptation of sweet

Pancakes for breakfast are not very healthy and they are only filling for a short time. The same goes for other sweets. They cause a spike in your blood sugar level, but after a few hours you are hungry again. During breakfast, rather eat whole grain products, yogurt or an egg.

Do not add anything to your coffee

Drinking a cup of coffee at your leisure is for many people the perfect way to wake up peacefully. There's nothing wrong with that. Pay particular attention to what you add to your coffee:sugar, flavored syrup, whipped cream, those are the culprits. Do you want to get rid of these extras with your coffee? Then gradually reduce it until you drink your coffee the way you want.

Always ready for hunger

We have to admit, sometimes breakfast falls short. Make sure you have some healthy and nutritious snacks such as granola bars (just check the label, some granola bars are high in calories) and crackers. You can easily grab this on the way to work. Also keep a suit in your desk drawer at work.

Don't skip your breakfast

You haven't eaten since you went to bed, so always try to eat something in the morning. Even if you don't feel well or are not hungry. By skipping meals, your metabolism slows down.

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