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Healthy living:the checklist

Healthy living:the checklist

How many of the 7 points can you tick off?

1. Start every day with a good breakfast
A good breakfast helps your metabolism and ensures a good start to the day.

> Test:which breakfast is right for me?
> A filling breakfast
> The most common excuses to skip breakfast + solutions

2. Make sure you drink enough water during the day Your body can easily confuse hunger and thirst. Drinking enough can prevent snack attacks. And of course it's important to stay hydrated.

> Drink enough water in winter
> Make your glass of water more exciting with these additions…
> Why should you drink water if you want to lose weight?

3. Eat consciously
It's a shame to eat your food without enjoying it. By eating consciously, you also stop sooner if you are full.

> Conscious eating, this is how you do it
> 7 reasons why we eat too much
> 3 reasons to eat at the table

4. Move enough
It has been proven:if you exercise enough, you feel more comfortable in your own skin.

> This is how you get the most out of 20 minutes of exercise
> 3 reasons to start working out now
> When you're tired of the gym

5. Make sure you get enough sleep
We are so busy every day that our night's rest is sometimes lost. And that while enough sleep is so important.

> It's 03.30, how do I still fall asleep?
> Tips to fall asleep faster
> Sleep better

6. Add vegetables to every meal
It is a small effort, but a very healthy habit. We usually eat vegetables at dinner, but try to have it at lunch and preferably also at breakfast.

> Use pureed vegetables
> Learn more about pesticides on fruit and vegetables
> Visit the greengrocer more often

7. Take enough time for yourself
Everyone wants something from you, but there is one thing you should never forget:make enough time for yourself and your plans. Dare to say no!

> 12 boosts for your happiness
> Unplug yourself
> 5 tips to be less accessible

Which points would you like to add to the checklist?
