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7 tips for a healthy day

7 tips for a healthy day

Little things you can do for a healthier day.

1. Sleep a little longer
Stop snoozing, instead it is better to set your alarm a little later and get up immediately as soon as it goes off. Discover why getting enough sleep is important.

2. Plan the exercise
Agree to go for a run with a friend tonight, sign up for a yoga class. In any case, record the sports so that you can't miss it tonight.

3. Prepare a healthy lunch
Provide a tasty and healthy lunch. Do you have to work today? Then prepare a lunch that you can take to work. You should pay attention to this when you bring a lunch.

4. Drink enough water
Do you have trouble drinking enough? Agree with yourself to drink a glass of water after every toilet visit.

5. Go outside
Will you leave in the dark this season and come home in the dark? Make sure you still see some daylight, for example by going shopping during the day or by taking a walk outside during the lunch break.

6. Dine together at the table
This not only ensures quality time with the family, when you eat seated, you also eat more consciously. This makes it less easy for you to eat too fast and too much.

7. Turn the heating down an hour before going to bed
This way you save energy. The heat remains for a while after you have turned the heating off or low. Moreover, you sleep better in a cooler environment.