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A fit brain starts in your stomach:5 tips for a healthy gut

A fit brain starts in your stomach:5 tips for a healthy gut

What you eat determines whether you feel happy. To keep your brain fit, you need a healthy gut, has been scientifically proven. 5 tips to boost your gut and mood with food.

Second brain

About a hundred trillion bacteria live in your gut:your gut flora. Your intestinal flora influences the functioning of your brain and therefore also your mood and behaviour. The intestines are connected to the brain via a long nerve, with which they can communicate with each other. In addition, they have their own nervous system, which is why your gut is also called your 'second brain'. The connection between your brain and gut is called the 'brain-gut axis'.


Your intestinal flora gets out of balance when it is stimulated by, for example, too little sleep, stress, unhealthy diet or medicines (such as antibiotics). Nutrients can then no longer be properly absorbed by your body and pathogenic bacteria, yeasts and fungi start to proliferate. You can suffer from all kinds of annoying ailments, such as nausea, bloating and fatigue. But also of mental problems, such as depression and anxiety. Research shows that even chronic diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's begin in the gut.

Eat your happy

Gut bacteria influence your mood by producing substances that end up in your brain via your bloodstream. The happiness hormone serotonin, for example, is 95% made in your gut. If you want to feel happy, it is therefore important to take good care of your intestines. Nutrition is a very good starting point. It is important for a healthy intestines to eat good fats, little sugar and products that are rich in probiotics, i.e. bacteria that are friendly to your intestinal flora.

5 tips to boost your gut and mood with food

Take a big bite

Unsaturated fats are the most important building blocks for our brain. Therefore, choose healthy fats, such as Omega-3. The latter can be found in oily fish, such as mackerel, salmon and herring. But avocados, walnuts and linseed oil are also rich in good fats.

Go for green leafy vegetables

Leafy greens such as broccoli, kale, arugula, and spinach contain vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta-carotene; all substances that have been researched to make your brain happy.

Eat more fermented products

Fermented products such as sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt, tempeh, sourdough bread and fish sauce contain a lot of good bacteria for your gut. These products are probiotic.

Fill yourself with fiber

Fiber keeps your digestion going and you need about 40 grams of it daily. You can find them in vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and whole grains; basically anything that is plant-based. A smoothie with as many different fiber-rich ingredients as possible, such as vegetables and fruit, is perfect for getting your daily portion of fiber in a quick and easy way.

Say goodbye to sugar

Lots of (fruit) sugar is no fun for your intestines, but healthy intestines and snacks can go well together. For example, opt for dried fruit, olives, unsalted nuts, dark chocolate (the darker, the better), or homemade popcorn.

Text:Emma Verweij / Image:GettyImages

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