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Break for your brain

Break for your brain

5 tips to put your brain on 'quiet'.

1. Go on a news diet
Newspapers, TV, news apps, you don't necessarily have to follow them. Taking in less news also means that you are less exposed to misery, hypes and unrest in your head.

2. Maintain radio silence
Get in the car without turning on the radio right away. Take a ride without listening to music or chatter from a presenter and enjoy the journey in silence.

3. Put your phone away
Make yourself rules about when you can and can't look at your phone. For example, promise yourself not to use the phone while eating or in the bedroom and bathroom.

4. Turn off alarm bells
Do you fly up with every beep from your computer, phone or tablet? Silence all notifications and you will see that your brain focuses on natural activities such as daydreaming.

5. Put in earplugs
Don't just use your MP3 player's earbuds to listen to music, put them in to cut yourself off from the world around you.