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4 tips for healthy aging

4 tips for healthy aging

Aging is something we don't necessarily look forward to, especially because we look up to age-related ailments. But luckily there are also ways in which we can ensure that we age healthy(er). With these tips you can make a positive contribution to your old age. And you can't start early enough!

1. Eat a varied diet

Eating a variety of foods is the key to success when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet as you age. Eating a wide variety of foods – from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds to beans, dairy and proteins – ensures that you provide your body with enough fuel. Variety also ensures that you don't get bored with meals as quickly and that you get enough different nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Read also :'Getting older also has a positive effect on our bodies – really!'

2. Move every day

By building a strong foundation for your fitness at a younger age, you can ensure that you age in a healthier way. So make sure you keep moving every day. This can be done by exercising, but also, for example, by walking and cycling regularly. By staying active, you ensure that you remain in good physical condition and that you become less frail later in life. The elderly often become more frail as they lose muscle mass, making them weaker, slower and less fit. Regular exercise also improves mental health. Enough reasons to keep moving, so!

3. Get enough sleep

Your sleep pattern is also very important if you want to age healthily. A good guideline is to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night, although the quality of your sleep is more important than the quantity. Do you have trouble sleeping (longer)? First try to get more than 6 hours of sleep per night. You can then slowly build up with 15 minutes more until you reach a sleep duration that feels right for you. If 8 hours feels unrealistic, don't push yourself to get it and see what suits you and your body best.

4. Move consciously

There is no right or wrong way of moving, but to get the most benefits from it, it is wise to exercise varied. Your movement is best based on three pillars:cardio training to keep your heart in shape, strength training to keep your bones strong and mobility training to improve your balance. After all, the end goal is not to make your body look a certain way, but to ensure that your body can continue to function properly. Stick to these three pillars and you will definitely notice a difference!