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10 tips to keep your brain fit

10 tips to keep your brain fit

How healthy and fit your brain is and remains is partly genetically determined. In addition, you can do small things yourself to stimulate your brain.

1. Go for a walk
Not able to exercise today? Take the time to walk for half an hour. With exercise, the hippocampus becomes more active, which area in the brain plays an important role for your memory.

2. Try something new
Go to an exhibition you wouldn't normally visit, take the train to a city you don't know or do something new. A new experience stimulates your brain in a positive way.

3. Learn something new
That can vary from learning a new language to learning to dance. New activities put your brain to work.

4. Break a habit
A challenge for your brain, especially when it comes to entrenched habits. Something as simple as taking a different route to work already gives your brain new stimuli.

5. Put your phone away
And pay attention to the world around you. It is also a good training for your brain:what time does the bus leave? Try to remember it or look it up in another way instead of looking directly on your mobile.

6. Read a book
Turn off the TV and read a book. Good for your concentration and imagination.

7. Meditate
Not only does your body need rest after exercise, your brain also needs moments of rest.

8. Make a puzzle
Fill in one of the puzzles in the newspaper.

9. Play a board game
Fun to do with the family, but also good to stimulate the brain. definitely Memory of Pictionary puts your brain to work.

10. Brush your teeth with your other hand
If you are right-handed, use your left hand for everyday chores, and vice versa. Start with something as simple as brushing your teeth and then challenge yourself more and more.