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Tips against bad breath

Tips against bad breath

Bad breath can make you very insecure. How do you get it, but more importantly:how do you get rid of it?

How does bad breath develop?

60 percent of the Dutch sometimes suffer from bad breath, it is also called halitosis. Bad breath can have several causes; For example, spicy food, smoking, drinking alcohol or coffee, taking medication and stomach problems affect the smell in your mouth. However, in many cases the problem lies in the mouth itself. Bacteria live in your mouth that break down food residues and keep your mouth clean and healthy. This process produces sulfur gases, which cause bad breath.

Read also: "Why do we have bad breath in the morning?"

Bad breath through your tongue

Your tongue has a large surface with many grooves in it. Bacteria can accumulate there, especially on the back part. You can tell by a white or white-yellow coating on your tongue. Poorly maintained teeth or inflammation of your gums can also be the cause of bad breath. Your gums then retract and the space between your teeth and gums can collect food particles and bacteria, just like in cavities, crowns or ill-fitting fillings. These bacteria convert the proteins in the food residues into sulphurous gases, which cause the bad mouth odor.

The right oral care

Chewing gum, candies and sprays mask the smell for a short time, but do not address the cause. You temporarily have a fresh taste in your mouth, but your bad breath remains. If you really want to get rid of that, you have to take good care of your mouth and teeth. The most effective way to remove the unwanted bacteria on your tongue is to use a tongue cleaner or remove the deposits with a toothbrush. Brush your teeth twice a day and use toothpicks, brushes or floss to clean the small spaces between your teeth.

A few practical tips

1. Drink water

A lack of saliva can cause a foul odor. If you have a dry mouth, drinking enough water can help keep your breath fresh.

2. Eat parsley

Have you eaten food with a strong smell? Eat parsley, it contains the substance chlorophyll, which has a bactericidal effect.

3. Start the day with breakfast

An empty stomach can cause an unpleasant breath smell. Start your day with breakfast.

4. Clean your tongue

Your tongue can be a source of bacteria. To prevent bad odors from developing, you can clean your tongue with a tongue scraper.

5. Visit the dental hygienist

Bacteria can live in hard-to-reach places in the mouth, such as under your gums. A visit to a dental hygienist can then offer a solution.

6. Rinse

What else can you do? You can use a mouthwash for bad breath after brushing and flossing. Don't just rinse your mouth with it, but also gargle - this will keep your tonsils clean. Please note:not all mouthwashes can be used for a long time. Ask your dentist or pharmacist for advice.
