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Tips against GSM radiation

Tips against GSM radiation

What can you really do against the dangers of GSM radiation?

GSM radiation sounds scary and is actually quite dangerous. Although research is often done on the dangers of radiation , it is never clearly stated what you can do to protect yourself against it. So voilà lists tips for you:

What are the dangers of GSM radiation?>

– Keep your cell phone away from your heart, your belt or your hips .

– Use the hands free as much as possible -cable † This way your mobile is further away from your brain.

– Limit your cell phone calls to two to three minutes † GSM radiation causes oxidative stress against which the body is only armed for a short time.

– Try texting more instead of calling.

– When you call someone, wait a moment until you are really connected , before bringing the cell phone to your ear.

– Use the phone as little as possible when the reception signal is weak † The radiation doubles every time the reception signal drops by 25 percent.

Do not call in the car , not even standing still. The car keeps all mobile radiation 'trapped' in the car.

Last but not least :put the phone at least half a meter away when you go to sleep † (Too much) GSM radiation causes restless sleep.

Is your phone (so to speak) taped to your ear? Read about the consequences here>
