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6 Tips To Never Have Bad Breath Again.

6 Tips To Never Have Bad Breath Again.

Having bad breath can be very embarrassing.

But there are several solutions to avoid the embarrassment of this unpleasant smell.

To fight bad breath , all you need is a little more knowledge and a few basic hygiene gestures.

In this article, you will first discover the causes of bad breath — because you have to know the enemy to fight it better.

Then, the 6 most effective tips to never have bad breath again:

6 Tips To Never Have Bad Breath Again.

  • Causes of bad breath
  • 1. Dry mouth
  • 2. The language
  • 3. Teeth
  • 4. Food
  • 5. Diseases
  • How to know if you have bad breath
  • How to
  • 6 tips to NEVER have bad breath again
  • 1. Drink water frequently
  • 2. Use a tongue scraper
  • 3. Make mouthwashes
  • 4. Floss regularly
  • 5. Freshen your breath with breath mints
  • 6. Eat foods that fight bad breath

The causes of bad breath

1. Dry mouth

This is the most common cause of bad breath.

Several factors can cause your mouth to dry out:

- of course, not drinking enough water,

- one night's sleep (8 hours without water),

- and long trips (since the body slows down the production of saliva).

However, the dryness of the mouth generates dead cells.

These dead cells are then broken down by the bacteria in your mouth — it is precisely this process that generates the odor known as bad breath.

2. The language

The process of breaking down dead cells acts mainly on the tongue.

But it can also affect other parts of your mouth — like food stuck between your teeth, for example.

3. Teeth

If you don't brush your teeth properly, bacteria will accumulate.

Therefore, it also creates a bad smell.

4. Food

Another common cause of bad breath is your diet.

The classic example is when you eat onions or garlic (while smoking cigarettes, by the way).

But did you know that crash diets and fasting can also cause bad breath?

This is because when you go on a crash diet, the body has to tap into fat stores.

This process produces ketones (an organic compound). However, ketones have a strong and unpleasant odor.

5. Diseases

There are also certain medical conditions which can cause bad breath:

- xerostomia (a condition of dry mouth caused by medication or breathing through the mouth),

- nasal and oral infections,

- liver and kidney diseases,

- diabetes, etc.

If you suffer from any of these conditions, talk to your doctor.

But most of the solutions we offer you in this article will eliminate your bad breath.

How to know if you have bad breath

6 Tips To Never Have Bad Breath Again.

This is important:before fighting bad breath, you must first know if you really have bad breath!

As we explained, bad breath is directly linked to your tongue:that's why it's the first thing to check.

It's not complicated — all you need is a spoon , a minute and your sense of smell.

How to

1. Scrape the back of your tongue with a teaspoon.

2. Let the spoon rest for a few minutes, until it is dry.

3. Now smell the spoon — it's the smell of your breath!

There is another technique — that of covering your mouth and nose with your hand, and breathing. But this one is NOT effective.

Better to lick the back of your hand. Once the surface is dry, smell it.

There are other ways to feel the back of your tongue (Q-Tips, dental floss, etc.).

The idea is to understand that it is at the source that you should check your breath.

Visually, it's a good sign if your tongue is pink and shiny.

But if it's white and scaly, that's a pretty bad sign.

6 tips to NEVER have bad breath again

6 Tips To Never Have Bad Breath Again.

Now that you understand the causes of bad breath, here are the solutions to combat it.

Unfortunately, there is no magic, long-term solution to ending bad breath.

That's because fighting bad breath is similar to eating a balanced diet:it's a good habit to work on every day.

Indeed, since there are several causes of bad breath , all these solutions are temporary and must be repeated regularly.

That said, if you practice these simple gestures on a regular basis, it will prevent bad breath from developing in your mouth!

1. Drink water frequently

A dry mouth is conducive to the accumulation of bacteria that generates bad breath.

The obvious solution is to drink water frequently.

When your mouth is well hydrated and produces enough saliva, you greatly reduce the risk of having bad breath.

2. Use a tongue scraper

This is probably the most effective way to fight bad breath.

A tongue scraper is an utensil with which you can scrape your tongue .

This easy step removes the thin film of bacteria that builds up on your tongue — especially after sleeping and eating.

This considerably reduces the concentration of sulfur compounds that generate bad breath.

For best results, use your tongue scraper after each meal.

To buy one right now, we recommend this model of tongue scraper.

3. Make mouthwash

For many people, brushing their teeth and using a tongue scraper are incompatible with a professional life (not easy to scrape your tongue at the office!).

But there is an effective alternative:mouthwash .

Rinsing and gargling are more effective at eliminating bacteria than chewing gum or breath mints.

Nevertheless, it is less effective and thorough cleaning than a tongue scraper.

For dosage, follow the instructions on the package leaflet.

For best results, rinse your mouth for 30 sec.

Also, do not eat or smoke for 30 minutes after your mouthwash. Why ? Because food and smoke dilute and remove fluoride from mouthwashes.

Click here to discover our recipe for a homemade mouthwash.

To buy some now, we recommend this organic mouthwash.

4. Floss regularly

Bacteria break down food that gets stuck between your teeth.

This natural process emits an unpleasant smell.

But, just regular flossing can help you get rid of these foods.

The tongue is the most common cause of bad breath.

But a passage of dental floss regular is also necessary to combat bad odors from the mouth.

Therefore, floss! Here are some tips for flossing:

- Use dental floss after each tooth brushing.

- Floss before bedtime (usually more effective than flossing in the morning).

To buy now, we recommend this dental floss.

5. Freshen your breath with breath mints

To freshen their breath, many people use mints and mints.

However, be aware that this solution is temporary. Indeed, it is much less effective and durable than tongue scrapers and mouthwashes.

That said, if you use mint lozenges , try fresh mint strips instead to fight bad breath.

Fresh mint strips are more effective than lozenges because they dissolve faster.

As a result, it minimizes the exposure of your teeth to sugar — and reduces the risk of cavities.

To buy some now, we recommend these fresh mint strips.

6. Eat foods that fight bad breath

There are several foods that fight bad breath:

- The green tea has powerful antibacterial properties that eliminate bad odors from the mouth.

- cinnamon contains essential oils that kill most bacteria in the mouth. Add a little fresh cinnamon to your toast or oatmeal, for breakfast or try adding a cinnamon stick to your tea.

- The crispy fruits and vegetables (apples, celery, etc.) are doubly beneficial against bad breath. Why ? Because chewing these foods produces more saliva and their firm texture makes it easier to clean bacteria.

- The melon , the oranges and the berries (strawberries, raspberries, etc.) are also beneficial.

- anise seeds , from cardamom , fennel and dill are seeds that temporarily combat bad breath.

- The cloves also have antibacterial properties. It is enough to chew a single clove.

- The parsley — that's why restaurants offer it as a garnish!

Also, if you have eaten foods that cause bad breath, know that you can neutralize their effect by eating other foods.

For example, did you know that drinking a glass of milk neutralized bad breath from garlic ?

If you are a wine lover, eat crisp fruits like apples, for example.

You can also rub a lemon wedge on your teeth and drink some water.

Now you know how to smell good from your mouth and not stink from your mouth!