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3 Tips To Eat Garlic Without Having Bad Breath.

3 Tips To Eat Garlic Without Having Bad Breath.

Garlic… we love it! It goes well with multiple dishes and is excellent for your health.

What we like less is our breath after eating garlic. Neither do our entourage…

Fortunately, we have some tips to avoid having bad breath after eating garlic.

3 Tips To Eat Garlic Without Having Bad Breath.

How to

1. Eat parsley or mint leaves

Take a handful of mint or parsley leaves, wash them and eat them. The taste is very pleasant and in addition it is excellent for health! But don't settle for just a few leaves because that won't be enough.

2. Chew coffee seeds, cardamom, coriander, anise…

Again, the taste is delicious and the effect on bad breath radical.

3. Eat…garlic!

And yes, the more garlic you eat, the less your breath will be. Eating garlic promotes the formation of enzymes that fight against odors.

There you go, you can now eat garlic without having bad breath :-)


Know that brushing your teeth has no effect. The bad smell of your breath will persist.

Why ? Because bad breath is caused by the release of gas during chewing and digestion.

These will disappear after three hours, with or without brushing your teeth!