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4 tips against inflamed gums

4 tips against inflamed gums

Inflamed gums (gingivitis) can be painful, but worse, it can spread and have more serious consequences. It is therefore important to make your gums healthy again as soon as possible.

1. Brushing
Your gums become inflamed when there is dirt or plaque on the border between your tooth and the gums. In order for the inflammation to go away, this has to go. The most important solution is therefore good brushing. It takes a while, because brushing the gums in particular is painful. Also replace your toothbrush in time.

2. Clean the spaces between your teeth Your gums are connected to your teeth. When you have a lot of bacteria, plaque and tartar on your teeth, your gums can become irritated and retract. This creates space between your teeth and your gums (pockets). All kinds of bacteria nest in such a pocket, causing your gums to become even more irritated. Flossing or firing helps to keep the space between your teeth as clean as possible.

3. Massage your gums A gum massage ensures better blood circulation in your gums. This can help ease the pain and reduce inflammation. With a clean toothbrush, make gentle, circulating motions on your gums for about a minute. You can also use your fingers, provided you wash them well and your nails are short.

4. Eat healthy and varied A healthy and varied diet is good for many things, even for your gums. Have you just eaten a tasty fish or a salad? Your teeth should thank you. The right nutrition can prevent your gums from inflaming and bleeding.

Read also: What happens if you don't brush your teeth