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Tips against fruit flies

Tips against fruit flies

It's that time again:there is a fruit fly infestation in the house. They are really everywhere! With these tips you can prevent them and get rid of them!

1. Put down some leftover alcohol

Fruit flies love alcohol. You can put the last bit of wine in the bottle as a trap.

2. Make a trap from a bottle

Take an empty soda bottle and cut it in half. Flip the top over so you have a funnel and place it in the bottom part. To attract the fruit flies, you can pour a piece of overripe fruit, wine or apple cider vinegar into the bottle. The funnel prevents the fruit flies from coming out of the bottle.

3. Tips to prevent fruit flies

Are you not bothered by fruit flies? Keep it that way by keeping the following in mind:

  • Keep your kitchen clean.
  • Do not let fruit ripen too long on the fruit bowl. Put it in a closed container or bag if necessary.
  • Close the trash can properly and change the trash bag regularly.
  • Rinse empty beer and wine bottles before putting them away. Or better yet:take them directly to the supermarket for a deposit or to the glass container.
  • Don't leave dirty dishes on the counter.