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Tips against hay fever

Tips against hay fever

According to hay fever experts, there will be an explosion of hay fever complaints next week. How do you reduce your complaints as much as possible?

After an averagely too cold month, the temperature will finally rise in the coming days. Delicious of course, but for people with hay fever it may not be good news.

Because the temperature is finally rising, nature has to catch up. As a result, a 'pollen bomb' will explode, as it were, which causes many complaints in people with an allergy to certain pollen.

Tips against hay fever
– Wear sunglasses outside to protect your eyes from pollen. – Pollen stays on your clothes. So don't put your worn clothes in your bedroom.
– Keep the windows closed in the hay fever season. If you still want to ventilate the house, open windows that are not windy. After a rain shower is a good time to air out the house, because there is less pollen in the air.
– Brush and/or wash your hair before going to sleep. This way you can be sure that no pollen is left behind in your hair.
– Don't rub your itchy eyes. Pollen on your hands can end up in your eyes. Therefore wash your hands regularly.
– Vacuum the house regularly.
– Get tested to which pollen and grasses you are allergic. You can then ensure that you come into contact with it as little as possible and adjust your garden if necessary.
– Check the hay fever forecast to see how much pollen there is today.

Do you suffer from hay fever?