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Tips to fight your hangover

Tips to fight your hangover

Had a rough night? We give four tips to fight your hangover.

A hangover, what about that? When you drink alcohol, your intestines absorb the alcohol and it is distributed over your body fluids. You get rid of a small part of the alcohol through exhalation, urination and sweating. Your liver processes most of it. Your liver breaks down a glass of alcohol in about an hour and a half, during this process acetaldehyde is created. This substance causes the well-known headache the next day. In addition, alcohol has a diuretic effect and this also causes headaches and that dry mouth in the morning.

Read also: Why do hangovers get worse as you get older?

1. Anti-hangover breakfast
When do you choose this?
If you feel weak and suffer from a headache. Although you may not feel like eating the morning after, it is wise to have a good breakfast. Certain substances in food actually help to reduce your hangover.

How does it work? Start your anti-hangover breakfast with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, the vitamin C in it is good for your hard-working liver. Then eat a hard-boiled egg. Eggs contain the amino acid cysteine, which breaks down the substance acetaldehyde. In addition, drink a cup of chamomile tea to calm your stomach and add a teaspoon of honey to it to bring your blood sugar level back up.

2. Sports
When do you choose this?
With a dull and lifeless feeling. Research from the University Health System in Illinois shows that exercising is a quick way to get rid of your hangover. By sweating profusely, the alcohol easily leaves your body and blood is transported faster to your liver and kidneys, which therefore work harder.

How does it work?
It doesn't matter what sport you do, as long as your heart rate goes up and you start sweating. Get some fresh air and go for a run through the woods or go for a bike ride. Do keep drinking a lot of water, since you are already dehydrated due to the alcohol.

3. Sex
When do you choose this?

If you suffer from various hangover complaints, then sex is a great solution. Your headache may make you want to make some sense, but the endorphins that are released during sexual arousal and an orgasm push out the ailments like snow in the sun.

How does it work?
Sexual arousal causes endorphins to be released, so that you are 'numb' as it were and no longer suffer from headaches and other ailments.

4. Painkillers
When do you choose this?
If you are not nausea. A painkiller works great for headaches, but can actually make your nausea worse. Choose an aspirin and rather not ibuprofen or paracetamol, as these are more harmful to your liver and it is already working so hard.

How does it work?
After breakfast, have a large glass of water with an aspirin. It doesn't help to take these before going to sleep, as a painkiller only works for a few hours. When you get up in the morning, the aspirin has probably worn off.

Hangover fables
There are a lot of myths about the best way to fight a hangover. For example, it is often said that drinking alcohol reduces your hangover, but this can actually make it worse a few hours later. Fatty food is also regularly mentioned as a solution. Eating fried snacks before drinking can indeed help reduce your hangover, because products with a high fat content provide a good "bottom" and slow down alcohol absorption. But if you eat it after that many wine, your stomach will only get more upset. Despite the well-intentioned advice, it is also better to leave black coffee alone. This just dehydrates you more, making the hangover symptoms worse.

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