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7 tips to boost your immune system

7 tips to boost your immune system

Could your immune system use a boost in this period of reigning viruses? With these 7 tips you reduce the chance of getting sick.

It's that time again:many people catch a cold and there is another flu. Of course you want to avoid at all costs that you will be sitting at home on the couch with a load of handkerchiefs and a cup of anti-grippine. Fortunately, you have more influence on the strength of your immune system than you may think. We have collected 7 tips for you with which you can boost your immune system.

Read also :'Is it wise to exercise when you have a cold?'

1. Avoid second-hand smoke

Even if you don't smoke yourself, your immune system can take a hit if you 'second-hand smoke'. In fact, if you chronically 'second-hand smoke', airways can become inflamed, so that your immune system can no longer produce antibodies in response to bacteria. This can make you suffer from asthma attacks and make you more susceptible to infections. Therefore avoid places where you unintentionally smoke secondhand or ask the smokers to smoke outside.

2. Add more protein to your breakfast

Protein is one of the essential nutrients in our diet for a reason. They help to repair tissue in our body and form the basis of a healthy immune system. A lack of proteins can also ensure that your body can make fewer antibodies, which you need to protect yourself against infections. We often have enough protein from our lunch and dinner, so your breakfast is a great opportunity to bring more protein into your diet.

3. Wash your hands

It may seem logical, but many people don't wash their hands well enough to properly remove bacteria. In fact, a study from the Journal of Environmental Health found that nearly 95% of 4,000 participants don't wash their hands long enough after going to the toilet—yuck. The advice is to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds to reduce exposure to bacteria and give your immune system a helping hand.

4. Eat an extra portion of vegetables

All fruits and vegetables are healthy, but some are better for our immune system than others. The more color there is in the product, the more antioxidants it contains. The antioxidants help your body fight free radicals that enter your body. These products also contain many vitamins and minerals, which also give a boost to your immune system. Are you curious if you are getting enough fruit and vegetables? The guideline is to eat 500 grams of brightly colored fruit and 500 to 750 grams of vegetables per day, but an extra portion never hurts.

5. Set a bedtime alarm

It should come as no surprise that sleep is essential for a healthy, well-functioning immune system. A good night's sleep can improve the efficiency of your body's T cells — a type of white blood cell that attacks viruses. When you sleep poorly or too little, your adrenaline glands (which produce cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine) are disrupted and your immune system takes a big hit. The solution? Create a sleep routine where you agree on a bedtime with yourself. So don't just set an alarm for getting up, but also one to remind yourself to go to sleep.

6. Drink a glass of water when you get up

Drinking well is also a good way to support your immune system. Parched mucous membranes and dry skin are areas where bacteria can enter your body. Drinking plenty of water prevents dehydration and gives your body a better chance of keeping bacteria out. How much should you drink exactly? About 2.5 to 3 liters of water per day! Starting your day with a glass of water is therefore a good way to motivate yourself to drink enough water.

7. Drink ginger-lemon juice

A shot of ginger-lemon juice could do wonders for your immune system. Ginger is rich in antioxidants and antibacterial. In addition, lemon is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Therefore, mix lemon juice with two tablespoons of ground ginger and store it in the refrigerator for a few weeks. The lemon juice will keep the ginger fresh during those weeks. This way you can take a shot every day for a while to give your immune system a helping hand.