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Tips to protect your ears

Music creates atmosphere and it can help you relax. We cannot imagine life without music. The downside? Nearly 50 percent of people listen to music that is too loud and that can lead to hearing damage.

The numbers don't lie
The World Health Organization has conducted a study on how often people between the ages of 12 and 35 expose their ears to harmful noise. 50 percent of them are confronted with dangerous noise levels; when listening to music on your smartphone or at concerts.

Tips to protect your ears
1. Turn your music down. It's better to use headphones than earphones, because that's better for your ears.
2. Wear earplugs during concerts or parties with loud music.
3. Ask your health insurance company about the reimbursement to have earplugs made to measure.
4. Stay away from the speakers, the sound is extra loud there. Pay attention to this not only at concerts, but also at classes in the gym where the music is loud.
5. Rest your ears after being exposed to loud noise.
6. Wondering if the sound in your environment is too loud? Download a decibel meter app to find out.