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Tips to limit tomorrow's hangover

Tips to limit tomorrow s hangover

Are you going to celebrate King's Day today? With these tips you limit the hangover of tomorrow.

Alternate alcohol with water

Drink a glass of water after every glass of alcohol. Alcohol removes moisture from your body, by replenishing the fluid in between, you maintain your fluid balance and (hopefully) prevent a severe hangover.

Provide good soil

If you have eaten poorly, alcohol hits you harder. The hangover is often worse. Before the party starts, drink enough water, eat a hearty meal and make sure you get vitamins.
Also read:Why do hangovers get worse as you get older?

Keep it to one type of drink

And be especially careful with shots.

Get enough sleep

Are you in bed late and have the option to stay in bed longer tomorrow? Make use of it. If you have slept well for a few hours, you will already feel a lot better.

Know your limits

As long as the drinks keep coming, it's tempting to take it all in. It is important to know your limits. Know when it's time for you to stop, regardless of whether everyone else is drinking or not.

Also read:Anti-hangover green smoothie from Jet

The very best anti-hangover tip:don't drink (too much)

Just in case, there will be an article for you tomorrow morning with a step-by-step plan to beat the hangover.